StarCraft 2 AI Comparisons

Minigame - DefeatRoaches


Link: StarCraft 2 Reinforcement Learning


  1. Random agent: as the name shows, it does things randomly
  2. A3C: A3C method implemented in our repository branch
  3. A2C: A2C method implemented in our repository branch


Metrics Random agent A3C A2C
Mean Score 1.81 3.4 13.69
Max Score 46 71 81

Individual Comparison of different implmentation of Minigame

Conparison Tool

See this repo


  1. simon-a2c: A2C method referenced from a fork of simonmeister's repo, abbreviation as simon-a2c
  2. xhujoy-a3c: a fork of Xiaowei Hu's repo
  3. random agent: as the name shows, it does things randomly


Map Training iters simon-a2c random agent DeepMind human
(mean) DefeatRoaches 1000×16 = 16k 5.74 -4 41
( max ) DefeatRoaches Same 61.00 11 81
(mean) DefeatZerglingsAndBanelings 500×8 = 4k 24.8 18.1 729
( max ) DefeatZerglingsAndBanelings Same 108.00 72 757
(mean) MoveToBeacon 5000×6 = 30k 25.26 1.2 26
( max ) MoveToBeacon Same 30.00 3 28
(mean) CollectMineralShards 2000×4 = 8k 23.84 18.5 133
( max ) CollectMineralShards Same 39.00 32 142
(mean) FindAndDefeatZerglings 500×8 = 4k 4.82 5 46
( max ) FindAndDefeatZerglings Same 18.00 15 49