
proxmox exporter of prometheus

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proxmox-exporter of prometheus, you must install the exporter in each proxmox node.


  • node info
  • node metrics
  • node temperature info
  • node disk info(smartctl infos)
  • vm info
  • vm metrics

view metrics


  1. download exporter file from latest version, and add execute permission

    sudo chmod +x exporter
  2. create configure file exporter.yaml by example

  3. (optional)create token from web => datacenter => permissions => api tokens

  4. change api.user and api.token from configure file

  5. use command to install linux service

    sudo ./exporter -conf exporter.yaml -action install
  6. use systemctl command to start service

    sudo systemctl start proxmox-exporter
  7. add node in prometheus

  8. import dashboard in grafana, dashboard id 16805

grafana dashboard



only tested proxmox version 7.2