Mod for Dyson Sphere Program

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LSTM - Logistics Station Traffic Manager

Mod for Dyson Sphere Program. Needs BepInEx.

Recent Changes


  • Changed Remote Demand Delay from 98% to 96%
  • Changed Local Demand Delay from 99% to 98%


Lists the supply and demand balance of the Logistics Station by item and by planet.

  • Show overall status for each item

  • Show the status of all stations on specific planet

  • Show station storage ratio and total actual amounts information in the statistics panel

  • Improve transport behavior

  • Display the target planet in the starmap (Universe Exploration lv4 is required)

  • Display navigation of the target station location

  • Open station window directly (right-click locate button)(only current local planet)

  • Display station contents and empty slot count as icon

  • Display traffic logs

How to open a window

  • from keyboard shortcut (default is LCtrl+T)
  • from button added on station window
  • from button added on planet detail panel on the starmap
  • from button added on production list on the statistics panel (default is off)

When opening with the keyboard shortcut, if the item information is found under the mouse pointer, it is used as a item filter (e.g. Inventory, Storage, Replicator, Statistics Panel and much places where item icon is displayed).

Compatibility with other mods has not yet been checked.

Main Window

screen shot

Statistics Panel

screen shot2

Icon Info


One-time Demand

A one-time remote transport can be activated.
Enabling One-time Demand in the configuration adds functionality to the right-click menu in the LSTM window and to the remote status toggle button in the station window. It is executed from the requesting station.


When One-time Demand is executed, transportation is performed from the nearest station available for supply to the target station. If it is farther than the maximum supply range, it will be excluded, but if Ignore Supply Range is turned on, it will be included.The quantity transported is the available capacity on the demand side or the maximum loading capacity of the carrier.For example, if you run this function with capacity set to 100, then 100 supplies will be delivered. The receiver can execute this function in any demand/supply/storage state.



Traffic Log

Displays transport logs from game startup (up to 10,000 entries). To use it, you must turn it on in the config window and restart the game.

The log window can be opened from the "LOG" button in the main window or from the menu that appears by right-clicking. Shortcuts can also be set, but they are not present in the settings window and must be edited directly in the config file.
Right-clicking on a row brings up a panel where you can refine filters and view them in the starmap.



Change transport behavior. Can be turned on and off individually. Default is all off. It must be turned on in the configuration to be used.

Incompatible with some mods (StationRangeLimiter, etc.). TrafficLogic will not work if you use these mods.

Smart Transport TLSmartTransport (experimental)

Priority will be given to nearby stations as much as possible. For now, only remote transports is supported.
This is a rough implementation, so it may not work as expected. If this is enabled, TLDCBalance will be forced disabled because of some incompatibilities. Only this setting can be used with some of the above mods, but using with IntelligentTransport may have unexpected results.

Consider Opposite Range TLConsiderOppositeRange

The partner's maximum transport distance will now be calculated too, and the transport will not be executed unless both maximum transport distances are exceeded. Applies to all transport, local and remote.
As an exception, remote transports with a maximum demand capacity of less than 1,000 and the Space Warper will be transported ignoring this settings.

Remote Cluster TLRemoteCluster

Groups stations together and separates them from other groups or unconfigured stations.
You can include the string [C:name] in the station name to belong to the name cluster, where C: is UPPER CASE.
Once a cluster has been established, stations can only be transported by stations that belong to the same cluster.
The cluster name any has a special meaning. A cluster with this name can interact with all other clusters and unconfigured stations. Demanding from any cluster is likely to upset the balance of other clusters, so it is better to keep it supply only.
As an exception, the Space Warper will be transported ignoring the cluster settings.

For now, the only way to set it up is to edit the name directly (You can edit the name in the station window by clicking on it. This is a default game feature). Please wait for additional features such as a settings UI.

Local Cluster TLLocalCluster

This is the same function as Remote Cluster. Applies to local transport. The configuration is almost the same as Remote Cluster, with [c:name] in the station name, where c: is lower case.

Remote Cluster and Local Cluster can be configured simultaneously.
Example: [C:r01][c:l01]station#1

Remote Distance/Capacity Balance TLDCBalance

Increase and decrease the maximum transport distance according to the storage ratio. In addition to turning the function itself on and off, you also need to set how much you want to change the distance. The value is a number between 1.0 and 100.0.

  • TLDCSupplyMultiplier: multiply the distance by x while the supply storage is 70%-100%.
  • TLDCDemandMultiplier: multiply the distance by x while the demand storage is 0%-30%.
  • TLDCSupplyDenominator: divide the distance by x while the supply storage is 0%-30%.

When the value is set to 1, the distance does not change. There is no setting to reduce the demand distance. It does not affect storage with a maximum capacity of less than 2,000.

Remote Demand Delay TLRemoteDemandDelay

Delays the triggering of remote demand. This applies to slots with a maximum storage capacity is 5,000 or more. Remote demand will not be executed until the total stock (actual stock + the amount in transit) falls below 96%. This subtle deviation solves a situation where there is no room for a local demand to occur.

Local Demand Delay TLLocalDemandDelay

Delays the triggering of local demand. Same as TLRemoteDemandDelay but threshold is 2,500 / 98%.


LSTM has some settings depend on BepInEx (file name is com.hetima.dsp.LSTM.cfg). Most settings can be edited in the config window (from gear icon at the top of the main window).

Key Type Default Description
mainWindowHotkey shortcut LCtrl+T Hotkey to open/close LSTM window
showMaterialPicker bool true Add Material Picker for quick item switching to LSTM window
indicatesWarperSign bool false true: show sign on the list if station has warper
reactClosePanelKeyE bool true true: close window when close panel key(E) is pressed
actAsStandardPanel bool true true: close with other panels by esc key. false: one more esc needed
showStationInfo bool false Show station contents and empty slot count as icon. Also affected by in-game building icon display *setting
showStationInfoOnlyInPlanetView bool false showStationInfo is only displayed in planet view
showStatInStatisticsWindow bool true Add station stat to statistics panel
showButtonInStationWindow bool true Add open LSTM button to Station Window
showButtonInStatisticsWindow bool false Add open LSTM button to statistics panel
showButtonInStarmap bool true Add open LSTM button to detail panel on starmap
setConstructionPointToGround bool false true: set the construction point of stations to ground level instead of top of the tower
enableNaviToEverywhere bool false double-click (left and/or right click) on Planet View to display navigation to anywhere
enableOneTimeDemand bool false enable One-Time Demand
oneTimeDemandIgnoreSupplyRange bool false One-Time Demand ignores supply range
suppressOpenInventory bool false Suppress open inventory when opening station window
enableTrafficLog bool false Enable traffic log window (needs restart game)
hideStoragedSlot bool true hide storaged slot in list view

TrafficLogic settings

Key Type Default Description
TLSmartTransport bool false enable TrafficLogic:Smart Transport
TLConsiderOppositeRange bool false enable TrafficLogic:Consider Opposite Range
TLRemoteCluster bool false enable TrafficLogic:Remote Cluster
TLLocalCluster bool false enable TrafficLogic:Local Cluster
TLDCBalance bool false enable TrafficLogic:Remote Distance/Capacity Balance
TLDCSupplyMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for Remote Supply Distance/Capacity Balance (1-100)
TLDCDemandMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for Remote Demand Distance/Capacity Balance (1-100)
TLDCSupplyDenominator float 1.0 Denominator for Remote Supply Distance/Capacity Balance (1-100)
TLRemoteDemandDelay bool false enable TrafficLogic:Remote Demand Delay
TLLocalDemandDelay bool false enable TrafficLogic:Local Demand Delay

Hidden settings
The following settings cannot be edited from config window. You need to edit the file directly.

Key Type Default Description
switchDisplayModeHotkey shortcut Tab Hotkey to switch between planet name and station name on LSTM window
dropSorterKeyEracesNavi bool false clear navi line when "Remove Copied Sorter Previews" shortcut is pressed
logWindowHotkey shortcut none Hotkey to open/close Traffic Log window
trafficLogDisplayMax int 2000 Maximum rows that can be displayed in Traffic Log window. min=100 max=9999
stationInfoIconSize float 10.0 Station Info icon size. min=5.0 max=15.0. default is 10.0f



  • アイテムごとに全体の状況を表示

  • 惑星内の全ステーションの状況を表示

  • ステーションの貯蔵率と実数を統計パネルに表示

  • 輸送ロジックの改良

  • 対象の惑星を星間ビューで表示(宇宙探査レベル4が必要)

  • 対象のステーションの場所をナビ表示

  • ステーションウィンドウを開く(ナビボタンを右クリック)(現在の惑星のみ対象)

  • ステーションの内容をアイコンサインで表示

  • 輸送ログの表示


  • キーボードショートカット(デフォルトは LCtrl+T)
  • ステーションウィンドウに追加されるボタンから
  • 星図の惑星情報パネルに追加されるボタンから
  • 統計パネルに追加されるボタンから(デフォルトはオフ)


One-time Demand

設定でOne-time Demandを有効にすると、LSTMウィンドウの右クリックメニューとステーションウィンドウのリモート状態切り替えボタンに機能が追加されます。要求する側のステーションから実行します。


One-time Demandを実行するといちばん近い供給可能なステーションから対象のステーションへ輸送が行われます。最大輸送距離より遠い場合は除外されますが、 Ignore Supply Range をオンにしておくと、それを無視して輸送実行します。輸送される量は要求側の空き容量、もしくは輸送船の最大積載量です。例えばキャパシティを100にして実行すると100個の物資が運ばれてきます。受け取る側は demand/supply/storage どの状態でもこの機能を実行することができます。



Traffic Log


メインウィンドウの「LOG」ボタンや右クリックして出てくるメニューからログウィンドウを開くことができます。ショートカットも設定できますが、設定ウィンドウには存在しないので直接ファイルを編集してください。 ログを右クリックするとフィルタを絞り込んだり惑星ビューで表示したりできるパネルが表示されます。



一部のmod(StationRangeLimiter 等)とは互換性がありません。これらのmodを使用している場合 TrafficLogic は機能しません。

Smart Transport TLSmartTransport (experimental)

雑な実装なので期待通りには動かないかもしれません。これをオンにすると TLDCBalance は若干相性が悪いため強制的にオフになります。この設定のみ上記の一部modと併用可能ですが、IntelligentTransport との併用は予期せぬ結果になるかもしれません。

Consider Opposite Range TLConsiderOppositeRange

例外としてリモート demand の最大貯蔵量が1,000未満の場合と、 空間歪曲器 はこの設定を無視して輸送されます。

Remote Cluster TLRemoteCluster

ステーション名に [C:name] という文字列を含めることで name のクラスターに属します。 C:は大文字 です。
any というクラスター名は特別な意味を持ちます。この名前のクラスターは他のすべてのクラスター、および未設定のステーションとやりとりできます。 any クラスターで要求を実行すると他クラスターのバランスが崩れる可能性が高いので、供給専用にした方が良いでしょう。
例外として 空間歪曲器 はクラスター設定を無視して輸送されます。


Local Cluster TLLocalCluster

Remote Cluster と同じ機能です。ローカル輸送に適用されます。設定方法は Remote Cluster とほぼ同じで、ステーション名に [c:name] と記述します。 c:は小文字 です。

Remote Cluster と Local Cluster は同時に設定できます。

Remote Distance/Capacity Balance TLDCBalance


  • TLDCSupplyMultiplier: supply の貯蔵量が 70%-100% の間は距離をx倍に
  • TLDCDemandMultiplier: demand の貯蔵量が 0%-30% の間は距離をx倍に
  • TLDCSupplyDenominator: supply の貯蔵量が 0%-30% の間は距離を1/x倍に

値を1にすると距離は変化しません。demand の距離を縮める設定はありません。最大貯蔵量が2,000未満のストレージには影響しません。

Remote Demand Delay TLRemoteDemandDelay

リモート輸入の発動を遅らせます。最大貯蔵量 5,000 以上のスロットが対象で、総在庫(実在庫+輸送中の数)が 96% を下回るまでリモート輸入を実行しません。これによりローカル側の demand やベルト搬入が発生する隙がない状態を回避できます。

Local Demand Delay TLLocalDemandDelay

ローカル輸入の発動を遅らせます。TLRemoteDemandDelay と同じような機能ですが、発動条件は最大貯蔵量 2,500 以上 / 貯蔵率 98% です

Release Notes


  • Changed Remote Demand Delay from 98% to 96%
  • Changed Local Demand Delay from 99% to 98%


  • Added option "Hide Storaged Slot" (default is on)


  • Changed the way station info looks and added config stationInfoIconSize


  • Added Traffic Log Window (default is off)


  • Added option "Suppress Open Inventory Window (when opening station window)" to config window (default is off)


  • Minor bug fix


  • Added One-time Demand


  • Support game version (it doesn't work on prior to this version)


  • Storaged count is displayed in blue if keep locked on sandbox mode for game version 0.9.26


  • Added ability that double-click (left and/or right click) on Planet View to display navigation to anywhere (on/off in ConfigWindow or enableNaviToEverywhere. default is off) (this feature is basically unrelated to this mod, but I introduced it because it's easy to incorporate)


  • Filtering by star system with no item selected will display all remote items.
  • Added option show station info icon only in planet view (ConfigWindow or showStationInfoOnlyInPlanetView)
  • Improved scroll bar appearance


  • Fixed slider values not displaying properly on ConfigWindow


  • Added most settings to ConfigWindow


  • The default values for setConstructionPointToGround and showStationInfo have been changed to false


  • Added ConfigWindow to change some settings (not yet fulfilled) (open from the button at the top of main window)
  • Added the ability to display station contents and empty slot count as icon (config showStationInfo or ConfigWindow) (also affected by in-game building icon display setting)
  • Fix incompatible with DSP Drone Clearing Mod


  • Added TrafficLogic setting TLLocalDemandDelay default is false
  • Added setting setConstructionPointToGround for faster construction. default is true
  • Supports indicator display of sprayed with Proliferator


  • Minor bug fix


  • Added station storage ratio and total actual amounts information to statistics panel (config showStatInStatisticsWindow default is true)
  • Added ability to filter by star system to main window


  • Added Material Picker for quick item switching (add config showMaterialPicker for customize this)
  • Probably fixed the problem of last slot not showing up when other mods that increase slots are installed


  • Right-click locate button to open the station window (only current local planet).
  • add config reactClosePanelKeyE close window when close panel key(E) is pressed. default is true.
  • Press Tab to switch between planet name and station name (add config switchDisplayModeHotkey for customize this)


  • Added setting indicatesWarperSign
  • TLRemoteDemandDelay will now be applied to all remote demands


  • Support for capacity upgrade in game version 0.9.24


  • Added TrafficLogic setting TLSmartTransport
  • TLConsiderOppositeRange ignores when the capacity of demand is small
  • Fix TLDCBalance wrong demand range


  • Rebuild for
  • Added TrafficLogic setting TLRemoteDemandDelay


  • Added TrafficLogic setting TLDCBalance
  • TLConsiderOppositeRange ignores Space Warper
  • Local list will be sorted by items


  • Added key feature that called "TrafficLogic"
  • Added TrafficLogic setting TLConsiderOppositeRange, TLRemoteCluster and TLLocalCluster
  • Added setting dropSorterKeyEracesNavi


  • Rebuild for
  • Added setting actAsStandardPanel (I forgot to list it)


  • Fix local station name was not displayed
  • Changed the internal design of the button display (a bit more stable when off but needs restart)


  • To display planet in the starmap, "Space Exploration" Lv4 is required


  • Added keyboard shortcut for open/close window
  • Each Orbital Collector in same gas giants was combined into a row
  • Improve performance


  • Initial Release for