A set of tools to manage your Slack emoji. Upload em, download em, download em from one and upload em to another. Get yourself some emoji related statistics. It's all here.
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Usage: emojme [command] [options]
Commands: (pick 1)
download download all emoji from given subdomain to json
-s, --subdomain <value> slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token.
-t, --token <value> slack user token. ususaly starts xoxp-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains.
--save <user> save all of <user>'s emoji to disk. specify "all" to save all emoji.
--bust-cache force a redownload of all cached info.
--no-output prevent writing of files.
upload upload emoji from json to given subdomain
-s, --subdomain <value> slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token.
-t, --token <value> slack user token. ususaly starts xoxp-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains.
--src <value> source file(s) for emoji json you'd like to upload
--avoid-collisions instead of culling collisions, rename the emoji to be uploaded "intelligently"
--prefix <value> prefix all emoji to be uploaded with <value>
--bust-cache force a redownload of all cached info.
--no-output prevent writing of files.
add add single or few emoji to subdomain
-s, --subdomain <value> slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token.
-t, --token <value> slack user token. ususaly starts xoxp-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains.
--src <value> source image/gif/#content for emoji you'd like to upload
--name <value> name of the emoji from --src that you'd like to upload
--alias-for <value> name of the emoji you'd like --name to be an alias of. Specifying this will negate --src
--avoid-collisions instead of culling collisions, rename the emoji to be uploaded "intelligently"
--prefix <value> prefix all emoji to be uploaded with <value>
--bust-cache force a redownload of all cached info.
--no-output prevent writing of files.
user-stats get emoji statistics for given user on given subdomain
-s, --subdomain <value> slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token.
-t, --token <value> slack user token. ususaly starts xoxp-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains.
--user <value> slack user you'd like to get stats on. Can be specified multiple times for multiple users.
--top <value> the top n users you'd like user emoji statistics on
--bust-cache force a redownload of all cached info.
--no-output prevent writing of files.
sync transfer emoji from one subdomain to another, and optionally vice versa
-s, --subdomain <value> slack subdomain. Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective token.
-t, --token <value> slack user token. ususaly starts xoxp-... Can be specified multiple times, paired with respective subdomains.
--src-subdomain [value] subdomain from which to draw emoji for one way sync
--src-token [value] token with which to draw emoji for one way sync
--dst-subdomain [value] subdomain to which to emoji will be added is one way sync
--dst-token [value] token with which emoji will be added for one way sync
--bust-cache force a redownload of all cached info.
--no-output prevent writing of files.
help [command] get command specific help
Universal options:
- requires at least one
auth pair. Can accept multiple auth pairs.- exception: sync can use a source/destination pattern, see below.
- optional:
will force a redownload of emoji adminlist. If not supplied, a redownload is forced every 24 hours. - optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires at least one
- requires at least one
auth pair. Can accept multiple auth pairs. - optional:
--save $user
will save actual emoji data for the specified user, rather than just adminList json. Find the emoji in ./build/subdomain/user/ - optional:
will force a redownload of emoji adminlist. If not supplied, a redownload is forced every 24 hours. - optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires at least one
- requires at least one
auth pair. Can accept multiple auth pairs. - requires at least one
source json file.- Src json should contain a list of objects where each object contains a "name" and "url" for image source
- If adding an alias, url will be ignored and "is_alias" should be set to "1", and "alias_for" should be the name of the emoji to be aliased.
- optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires at least one
- requires at least one
auth pair. Can accept multiple auth pairs. - requires one of the following:
path of local emoji file.- optional:
name of the emoji being uploaded. If not provided, the file name will be used.
- optional:
to create an alias called$NAME
with the same image as$ALIAS-FOR
- Multiple
's or--name
pairs may be provided, but don't mix the patterns. You'll confuse yourself. - optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires at least one
- requires at least one
auth pair. Can accept multiple auth pairs. - With no optional parameters given, this will print the top 10 emoji contributors
- optional: one of the following:
will show the top $TOP emoji contributors--user
will show statistics for $USER. Can accept multiple--user
- optional:
will force a redownload of emoji adminlist. If not supplied, a redownload is forced every 24 hours. - optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires at least one
- requires one of the following:
- at least two
auth pair. Can accept more than two auth pairs. - at least one
auth pair and at least one--dst-subdomain
auth pairs for "one way" syncing.
- at least two
- optional:
will force a redownload of emoji adminlist. If not supplied, a redownload is forced every 24 hours. - optional:
will prevent writing of files in the ./build directory. It does not currently suppres stdout.
- requires one of the following:
Input type and use case! Technically (and behind the scenes) these commands do the same thing, which is post emoji to Slack.
The difference is that Upload
is designed to take an adminList
(what Slack calls a list of emoji and their related metadata) in the form of a json file. You can create this json file yourself, or use the download
command to get it from an existing slack instance. It should be a Json array of objects, where each object represents an emoji and has attributes:
(the name of the emoji duh)url
(the source content of the emoji. either a url, a file path, or a rawdata:
(either 0 for non-aliases or 1 for aliases)alias_for
(name of the emoji to alias if the emoji being uploaded is an alias) There are other fields in an adminList, but no others are used at the current time.
is designed to allow users to upload a single or few emoji, directly from the command line, without having to craft a json file before hand. You can create either new emojis or new aliases (but not both, for now). Each new emoji needs a --src
, and can take a --name
, otherwise the file name will be used. Each new alias takes a --name
and the name of the original emoji to alias as --alias-for
Coming soon?
- Diagnostic info and intermediate results are written to the build directory. Some might come in handy!
will give you a json of emoji that failed to upload and why. Use it to reattempt an upload! Generated fromupload
is the "master list" of a subdomain's emoji. Generated fromdownload
is all the emoji created by a user. Generated fromuser-stats
contains all emoji present in $SUBDOMAINLIST but not in $SUBDOMAIN. Generated fromsync
- Download all emoji from subdomain
./emojme.js download --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN
- Download all emoji from multiple subdomains
./emojme.js download --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --token $TOKEN2
- download source content for emoji made by $USER1 and $USER2 in $SUBDOMAIN
./emojme.js download --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --save USER1 --save USER2
- This will create directories ./build/$SUBDOMAIN/$USER1 and ./build/$SUBDOMAIN/$USER2, each containing that user's emoji
- add $FILE as :$NAME: and $URL as :$NAME2: to subdomain
./emojme.js add --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --src $FILE --name $NAME --src $URL --name $NAME2
./emojme.js add --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN1 --token $TOKEN1 ---subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --token $TOKEN2 --alias-for '$ALIAS_FOR' --name '$NAME'
- Alias :$ORIGINAL: as :$NAME:, and if :$NAME: exists, alias as :$NAME-1: instead
./emojme.js add --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --name $NAME --alias_for $ORIGINAL --avoid-collisions
- upload emoji from source json to subdomain
./emojme.js upload --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --src './myfile.json'
- upload emoji from source json to multiple subdomains
./emojme.js upload --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --token $TOKEN2 --src './myfile.json'
- upload emoji from source json to multiple subdomains
./emojme.js upload --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --token $TOKEN2 --src './myfile.json'
- upload emoji from source json to subdomain, with each emoji being prefixed by $PREFIX
./emojme.js upload --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --src './myfile.json' --prefix '$PREFIX'
- get user statistics for user $USER (emoji upload count, etc)
./emojme.js user-stats --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --user $USER
* This will create json file ./build/$USER.$SUBDOMAIN.adminList.json
- get user statistics for multiple users
./emojme.js user-stats --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --user $USER --user $USER2 --user $USER3
- get user statistics for top $N contributors
./emojme.js user-stats --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN --token $TOKEN --top $N
- sync emoji so that $SUBDOMAIN1 and $SUBDOMAIN2 have the same emoji*
*the same emoji names, that is. If :hi: is different on the two subdomains they will remain different
./emojme.js sync --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN1 --token $TOKEN1 --subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --token $TOKEN2
- sync emoji from $SUBDOMAIN1 to $SUBDOMAIN2
./emojme.js sync --src-subdomain $SUBDOMAIN1 --src-token $TOKEN1 --dst-subdomain $SUBDOMAIN2 --dst-token $TOKEN2
Hey try this with $ATTRIBUTE of "url". You might need all those urls!
cat $ADMINLIST.json | jq '.[] | .["$ATTRIBUTE"]'
It's easy! Open any signed in slack window, e.g. subdomain.slack.com/messages, right click anywhere > inspect element. Open the console and paste:
window.prompt("your api token is: ",/api_token: "(.*)"/.exec(document.body.innerHTML)[1])
You will be prompted with your api token! From what I can tell these last anywhere from a few days to indefinitely. Currently, user tokens follow the format:
but admittedly I have a small sample size.
- emojipacks is my OG. It mostly worked but seems rather undermaintained.
- neutral-face-emoji-tools is a fantastic tool that has enabled me to make enough emoji that this tool became necessary.
- gotta lint this woooow
- package and release
- add option to override stdout logger with custom logger