An effortlessly simple bookmarks app that lets you save the links on your device on the go.
This is a dead simple bookmarks app that lets you save the links on your device on the go.
I built LinkSnatch because I wanted something really simple to save links that I wanted to read later. I didn't want to have to sign up for an account, I didn't want to have to install a browser extension, and I didn't want to have to use a bookmarking service that was going to track me. I wanted something pretty simple that just works. And here I am!
The app is fairly opinionated and comes with a set of bare minimum features I would need:
- A beautiful interface with minimal distractions.
- Extracts URL metadata using and saves it to the browser's local storage.
- Save and search links all from a single place.
- Dark mode.
- It doesn't track you.
- No signup needed.
- It doesn't require you to install a browser extension.
- It's open source.
I started building it to solve my own itch but later realized that someone might be in need of something like this. And so, I decided to set it free out in the wild!
First, clone the repository.
git clone
Then install the dependencies.
npm install
Finally, run the development server.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see LinkSnatch in action.
- docker-linksnatch - A dockerized version of LinkSnatch directly installable from Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry by @varunsridharan.
- linksnatch-docker - A docker setup repository for LinkSnatch by @obiequack.
MIT · GitHub @amitmerchant1990 · Twitter @amit_merchant