
Slice a video into 30 second segments, post over time to Instagram

Primary LanguagePython


Slice video into 30 second segments, post to Instagram over time

Setup on Digital Ocean:

Setup on Macbook:

Video splitting:

  • Split video (assuming it's ./video.mp4)
  • > ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -codec copy -f segment -reset_timestamps 1 -segment_list segment_list.txt -segment_list_type csv -segment_time 30 segment%03d.mp4
  • Scale down if need be (Instagram only accepts 480p-720p width as of this writing)
  • mkdir scaled
  • > find . -name "segment*.mp4" -exec ffmpeg -i {} -vf scale=720:404 ./scaled/{} \;
  • Optional: Split out story videos (can only be 15 seconds, using 14sec because copy codec can be imprecise). For example:
  • cd scaled; mkdir story
  • find . -name "segment*.mp4" -exec echo ffmpeg -ss 0:00 -i {} -t 14 -c copy story/{} \;

Get ready to post

  • > git clone https://github.com/staringispolite/mandoline.git
  • cd mandoline
  • mkdir segments
  • cp segment*.mp4 ./segments
  • cp segment_list.txt ./segments/segments.db
  • Add Instagram username & password to mandoline.py

Post to Instagram

  • python mandoline.py --basepath="/abs/path/to/segments/" (end with a /)

Post automatically via cron

  • Adding the following to your crontab, to post at 8am and 8pm UTC:
  • 0 8,16 * * * username python /absolute/path/to/mandoline.py --basepath="/absolute/path/to/segments/"

Make friends

  • cd InstaPy; python your_project_name.py or via crontab, eg
  • 0 12 * * * root cd /path/to/InstaPy; python your_project_name.py