
Post to txti.es from the commandline

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Post to txti.es from the command line.


Usage: CLItxties.sh [-h] (-i [-e editor | -f file] (-r | url) | (-f file | -s) (-r | url) edit_code)
  -e editor use a different editor instead of the default nano(1)
  -f file   get the content from a file
  -h        print this usage and exit
  -i        enter the content, the url and the edit code interactively
  -r        use a randomly generated url
  -s        take input from the stdin


  • Enter the content, the custom url and the edit code interactivly:

      ./CLItxties.sh -i
  • Post a content from a file to a random url interactively:

      ./CLItxties.sh -i -f file.txt -r
  • Pipe the content into the scipt and post it on YourCoolURL using rad! as your edit code:

      ./CLItxties.sh -s YourCoolURL rad!
  • Enter the content interactively using ed(1), the standard text editor:

      ./CLItxties.sh -e ed -i
  • Print the usage:

      ./CLItxties -h

OK, but how can I access my content?

Suppose that MyCoolPost is your customized URL. You'll find your post at http://txti.es/MyCoolPost and the edit link would be http://txti.es/MyCoolPost/edit.


  • curl
  • lynx
  • nano (unless you change it to some other editor in the source code or with -e)