
A Teracopy history log parser

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


TeraLogger is a simple script to parse the history log files from TeraCopy. It does some correlation between databases found at the paths:

The main database that keeps records of all jobs (see my blog post for details).


Each job gets it's own History database file. Inside is a listing of all files that were touched in the job (see my blog post for details).



The script is simple in that it only takes two things, an input path of the TeraCopy folder (-i) and the output folder of where you'd like the export report made (-o).

I would recommend collecting the whole TeraCopy folder from the user's AppData folder, either via the KAPE target or some other forensic sound means.


  _____                  _
 |_   _|___  _ __  __ _ | |     ___    __ _   __ _   ___  _ __
   | | / _ \| '__|/ _` || |    / _ \  / _` | / _` | / _ \| '__|
   | ||  __/| |  | (_| || |___| (_) || (_| || (_| ||  __/| |
   |_| \___||_|   \__,_||_____|\___/  \__, | \__, | \___||_|
                                      |___/  |___/

        TeraLogger v0.0.2
        @KevinPagano3 | @stark4n6 | startme.stark4n6.com

usage: TeraLogger.py [-h] -i INPUT_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH

TeraLogger v0.0.2 by @KevinPagano3 | @stark4n6 | https://github.com/stark4n6/TeraLogger

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_PATH, --input_path INPUT_PATH
                        Input file/folder path
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Output folder path

To-Do List

  • Add main.db parser as second CSV file output
  • Error checks for missing files or incorrect paths