
Preconfigured Neovim Environment

Primary LanguageLua



  • I wanted a code editor setup that already comes with almost everything I need, regardless of a project's scale.
  • a full-blown Neovim setup is still faster than VSCode and any other bulky editors.
  • I want to work fast in any environment I am in.


Environment Sample
Kitty on Arch + Hyprland vimhenson-kitty-arch
Windows Terminal (Powershell 7) vimhenson-example



  • the default <leader> key is ,
  • LSP
    • K to open hover window/documentation.
  • Buffer Switching
    • navigate between window splits using <C-h>, <C-j>, <C-k>, and <C-l>
    • or <leader><Up>, <leader><Down>, <leader><Left>, and <leader><Right> if you like arrowkeys
    • <Tab> and <S-Tab> to switch between buffers within the bufferline as if they are tabs
    • <leader>p and <leader>n to move buffer orders in bufferline
  • Telescope
    • <leader>ff to find files
    • <leader>fg for file grep
    • <leader>fb for buffers
    • <leader>fh for help tags
  • File Tree
    • <leader>ft to toggle file tree
  • Git
    • [c and ]c to navigate through hunks
    • <leader>hp to preview hunks
    • <leader>hs to stage hunk
    • <leader>hr to reset hunk
    • <leader>tb to toggle current line blame
    • <leader>hd to view diff
  • Trouble
    • <leader>xx to toggle diagnostics
    • <leader>xX to toggle buffer diagnostics
    • <leader>cs to toggle document symbols
    • <leader>cl to toggle LSP definitions and references
    • <leader>xL to toggle location list
    • <leader>xQ to toggle quickfix list
  • Commenting
    • <leader>cc to comment/uncomment the current line (in Normal Mode) or selected lines (in Visual Mode).
    • no plugin is used for commenting, and the comment token will depend on the filetype:
      • # for Python and Elixir
      • -- for Lua
      • // for others
    • in Neovim v0.10, you can already do this out of the box with gc on Visual Mode. However, this implementation lets you comment lines on Normal Mode as well.
  • Wrapping
    • in Visual Mode, you can select words (within a single line or multiple lines) and wrap them between quotes, brackets, or parentheses.
    • <leader>' to wrap in single-quotes
    • <leader>" to wrap in double-quotes
    • <leader>( to wrap in parentheses
    • <leader>{ to wrap in braces
    • <leader>[ to wrap in brackets



By default, this setup uses rustaceanvim for interfacing with rust-analyzer.

If rust_analyzer is not being detected, you can try to check for the ~/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log file for the following error:

"error: Unknown binary 'rust-analyzer' in official toolchain 'stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'.\n"

In this case, if you have already pre-installed Cargo and rustc, you need to manually retrieve the standard library sources:

rustup component add rust-analyzer


By default, this configuration uses Volar's default Hybrid Mode.

To use Volar, you will need to install @vue/language-server globally:

npm install -g @vue/language-server

You may also need to set up @vue/typescript-plugin:

npm install -g @vue/typescript-plugin

If Volar fails to run whenever Vue files are being opened, you can check out this issue.