This zip file includes the solution file for Windows Visual Studio, the .cpp/.h source files and a testing video. 
You can open the solution directly in Visual Studio, or build your own project using the source codes.

Please read the following:
1) Operating System: Windows. 
    Preferred IDE:    Microsoft Visual Studio.
    For Microsoft Visual Studio, nupengl.core need to be installed to run this program (like Lab 4). 

2) Left, right, up, down arrow keys are to change pac-man's moving direction.  
   'R' and 'r' are to rotate the maze per 5 degrees. 
   Press any key other than the rotation key to start the game.

3) Pacman_recording.mp4 is for testing the game features. 
   From 00:00 - 00:35, the video shows a senario when Pacman dies for three times and lose the game.
   From 00:35 - 01:57, the video shows a senario when Pacman eats all the coins and win the game.
4) After eating a power-up, ghosts will run away with a lower speed, meanwhile the pacman can eat ghost for 5s.
   Ghosts will be back in the center and wait five seconds to respawn. 
   All the ghosts pursue the pacman using the shortest path, therefore overlapping can happen sometimes.
   After the game is over you can immediatly start another round, stilll press any key to start.