- 3forBeijing
- adamazadVagabonding
- Aver1n1900Chitaigorod
- bangmac
- bbrandtom
- bitdrongo
- bitgege
- bobx33
- cevatbostanciogluEarth
- crazybitsGuangZhou,China
- dewi-timCircularise
- Discowallstreet
- ebk13579Philadelphia, PA
- eemailme
- gavinzhengToronto, Canada
- hosseinios
- howeguo
- jhcloos
- kpparadigm
- llPorZall
- lucianasi
- Mahdi332453
- mendo-
- milancermakEurope
- naeimshp7
- ravikantcool2023@Ravikant_traders
- rorosan
- ruuderieOplyst International, LLC
- satoshitr
- sc0VuTaiwan
- SparkHao上海
- tawarenUniversity of Zurich (PhD) & University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (scientific employee)
- trevis-devBelgium
- veikkoeeva
- y0mek0sal
- yatfu0912