
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Filesystem referrer store


Term Description
Referrer Store ReferrerStore is an interface that defines methods to query the graph of supply chain content including its related content. Take a look at the interface definition in api.go
Reference Manifest The manifest of a referrer. The referrer manifest defines the connection to a subject manifest via its digest. The digest acts as a unique id of the subject, that the referrer is storing.
Subject Reference A reference to the subject. This contains the unique digest to look for, the path for validation, a tag and a original.


This is a sample implementation of a referrer store that stores the referrer in files on the filesystem.

The job of this and any other referrer store is to provide methods defined in the ReferrerStore interface that are used by referrers like NotaryV2 to get data to verify.

The important files are:

  • The referrer manifests: data/references/referenceManifest1.json and data/references/referenceManifest1.json
  • The subject manifest: data/subjectManifest.json
  • The content of the artifact: data/artifactContent.json
  • The code that defines the filesystem storage: main.go


The main.go file contains all methods, that this implementation of the referrerstore needs to provide to the calling application (a verifier).

These methods are defined in the ReferrerStore interface and are:


The ListReferrers method gets the subject reference as an input and takes a look at its digest.

The method looks for all references it can find in the filesystem and returns all of them, that reference the subject references digest.

The output is a ListReferrerResult


The GetBlobContent method returns the blob with the given digest.

It takes the subjectReference and digest as an input. The digest here is the name of the artifact that is stored in the ReferenceManifest.

In this filesystem implementation, ... (Logic)

This method returns the contents of the referenced blob (artifact) as a byte array.


The GetReferenceManifest method returns the reference artifact manifest as given by the descriptor.

It takes in a subject reference a returns a single reference with the same digest as itself.


The GetSubjectDescriptor method returns the descriptor for the given subject. This descriptor is an oci.Descriptor object.

As an input we get the subjectReference of type common Reference.

From this subjectReference the digest is extracted and used to build the Descriptor object, which is then returned.


To run/test the behaviour of your storage, you need to build it first. The plugin itself is not part of ratify (called out-of-tree) and therefor need to be built separately from it.

To do this, run this go command from the root of the repo:

go build

The ratify project can be found and cloned from GitHub. To use this plugin with ratify, you'd need to move the executable to your ratify directory, into the ratify/.ratify/plugins folder.

info: Currently, the data for the filesystem storage has to be copied to the users .ratify folder.

A valid structure (in the main ratify repo) can look as follows:

├── filesystem
└── data
    ├── references
    │   ├── referenceManifest1.json
    │   └── referenceManifest2.json
    └── manifest.json
    └── artifactContent.json

Now you need to update the config.json in the .ratify folder to include your storage. An updated value can look like this:

"store": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
            "name": "filesystem",
            "folderPath": "<folder path /data/ folder >"

After this is done, you can run ratify by using the debug configuration Verify as defined in the .vscode/launch.json by pressing F5 in VS Code (in the ratify repo). When prompted provide the subject manifest file name e.g. manifest.json that resides in the folder path provided to the store plugin.


To test, there is an included artifactContent.json which the licensechecker should pick up if included in the config.

    "verifier": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "plugins": [
        "name": "licensechecker",
        "artifactTypes": "application/vnd.ratify.spdx.v0",
        "allowedLicenses": [

The resulting output should demonstrate the feasibility of local filesystem store.