-Define machine parameters and incremental acceleration values that will be generated into gcode.
-Watch the machine run through the generated gcode routine and take note of which acceleration iteration starts to negatively affect performance.
-Define tool head characteristics and build platform diameter to get 4 generated gcode files to aid in firmware calibration
-Validate a hotend design by customizing a retraction torture test
-Define machine parameters and incremental "jerk" values that will be generated into gcode.
-Watch the machine run through the generated gcode routine and take note of which jerk iteration starts to negatively affect performance.
-Change the temperatures(extruder, extruder 1st layer, build platform, build platform 1st layer) of pre-existing gcode files without needing a re-slice.
-All motion commands will be preserved, allowing for objective temp quality comparisons, or identical prints with different materials or brands of plastic.