
This is a beginner-friendly project to help you get started with your hacktoberfest.

Primary LanguageJava


Submit your PR on this new repo Hacktoberfest_Accepted ,

This is a beginner-friendly project to help you get started with your hacktoberfest. Happy hacking <3 💙 !!

P.S. Star ⭐ and Share this repository, if you had fun!! 😍

Hacktoberfest 2022

Contribution Rules📚:

  • You are allowed to make pull requests that break the rules. We just merge it ;)
  • Do NOT add any build steps e.g npm install (we want to keep this a simple static site)
  • Do NOT remove other content.
  • Styling/code can be pretty, ugly or stupid, big or small as long as it works
  • Add your name to the contributorsList file
  • Try to keep pull requests small to minimize merge conflicts

Our Top Contributors