
This workshop walks you through building sample serverless and container apps with AWS CDK.


Install and setup npm

# install the nvm installer
curl -o- | bash
# nvm install 
nvm install lts/dubnium
nvm alias default lts/dubnium

Install and setup aws-cdk

# install AWS CDK
npm i -g aws-cdk
# check cdk version
cdk --version
1.13.1 (build 96cfc63)

Install and Configure AWS CLI

  1. Follow this guide to install AWS CLI.

  2. Create your own IAM user and run aws configure to configure your AWS CLI default profile

  3. run aws sts get-caller-identity to check the output

    "Account": "112233445566",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::112233445566:user/pahud"

Install Docker

Install Docker Desktop for your Mac or Windows

Go to the Labs

Lab1 - Build your 1st Serverless Container App with AWS CDK

Lab2 - Build your serverless URL-shortener App with AWS CDK