
Builds NixOS for x86 DigitalOcean droplets

Primary LanguageNix

nix-img-do-x86 builder

This creates a NixOS image for x86_64 DO droplets.


nix develop

adds nixos-generate to path. Then, run

nixos-generate -f do -c configuration-wanted.nix

to generate an image for digital ocean with the specified configuration.

  • TODO: figure out where in the image the custom configuration is stored.

As a sanity check, run htop via nix-shell -p htop in a container created from the image to verify that the custom configuration is present (3GB of swap).


  • This method has not been checked to see whether the custom configuration is present in the image.
    • TODO: try the same sanity check above
nix-build image.nix

will produce a result/ symlink containing the image.


A prebuilt 23.11 image is available.