Jovian NixOS

NixOS on the Steam Deck

A set of packages and configurations for running NixOS on the Steam Deck. This repo is also useful for obtaining a Deck-like experience on other x86_64 devices.


Use the normal installation images available on

Prefer the nixos-unstable image, but you can also use the latest stable image as long as you use the unstable channel for the system.

When configuring the system, import ./modules from this repo in your configuration.

Steam Deck

To enter the boot menu, power off the Steam Deck then hold down Volume- and tap the Power button.

When configuring the system, import ./modules from this repo in your configuration and enable the Steam Deck-specific hardware configurations with jovian.devices.steamdeck.enable = true;.

Other Devices

No other device-specific quirks or configuration handled for now.

Feel free to contribute one or more!


All available module options along with their descriptions can be found under modules.

To use the Steam Deck UI, set jovian.steam.enable = true; in your configuration. This will only enable the Steam Deck UI tooling. To enable "desktop" steam, enable the usual NixOS options. Then you can start the UI using one of the following methods:

  • (preferred) Use jovian.steam.autoStart = true; to auto-start at login, and enabling use of Switch to Desktop option.
  • Select "Gaming Mode" in the Display Manager or run steam-session in a VT.
  • Launch steam-session within an existing desktop session. This will run gamescope in nested mode which results in higher latency.

If you want Switch to Desktop to switch to another session with autoStart, you will need to configure jovian.steam.desktopSession. Configure it with the name of the X11 or wayland session of your choosing. The Switch to Desktop option will not work with the other two methods of running the Steam Deck UI, instead if will close Steam.

Firmware Updates


Updates to the BIOS and the controller are available in the steamdeck-firmware package:

  • BIOS: Run sudo jupiter-biosupdate
  • Controller: Run sudo jupiter-controller-update


Updates to the Docking Station firmware are available in the jupiter-dock-updater-bin package. Connect to the dock via USB-C and run jupiter-dock-updater to update.


Jovian “Relating to [...] Jupiter or the class of [...] which Jupiter belongs.”

What's Jupiter?

There's a disambiguation page that won't help you. I don't know exactly what it's the codename for. It is either the codename for the Steam Deck, or the codename for the new Steam OS for the Steam Deck. Things get awfully murky when you realize that Neptune's also a thing, and it's unclear really from the outside, and quick searches don't provide conclusive evidence. But to the best of my knowledge, Jupiter is the OS for us.

What channels are supported?

Truthfully, no channel is supported, but the older the stable release was cut, the more likely the additions from Jovian NixOS won't work as expected.

Thus, it is preferrable to use nixos-unstable. The latest update should work fine, and when it doesn't, it'll be handled soon enough.

Importing the modules in your configuration

One way to do so is by using fetchTarball in the imports of your configuration.

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  imports = [
      # Put the most recent revision here:
      let revision = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; in
      builtins.fetchTarball {
        url = "${revision}.tar.gz";
        # Update the hash as needed:
        sha256 = "sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
      } + "/modules"

  /* ... */

  /* ... */

Another way is to use Flakes, or any other method to fetch inputs.

When hacking on Jovian NixOS things, adding the path to a Git checkout of this repo to imports works well too.