
My config files for vim, zsh, tmux, and so on.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

My Software Configs for Ubuntu

This repo maintains my config files for vim, zsh, git, and tmux. It will help to set up a deeply personal Linux environment, which is convenient and fast for text editing, code development, and multi-task management.


We provide a script to automatically setup config files simultaneously for vim, zsh, git, and tmux. Specifically, you only need to run:

python -m tools.setup

under the root dir of this repo.

However, to make the setup process go smoothly and compatible to existing Linux environment, we suggest to finish the following preparatory work step-by-step before you running above code.

Step-by-step preparatory work


Git is not only a powerful version control tool, but also is the default way for installing many softwares. Therefore, we suggest to install Git first by apt-get install git, when entering a newly installed Linux system.

zsh and oh-my-zsh

We suggest to use zsh rather than the native bash shell in Linux. We also suggest to use the oh-my-zsh framework to manage the zsh configuration.

zsh can be directly installed by apt-get install zsh, and the installation of oh-my-zsh can refer to https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/58073103. The reason -- why zsh is a perfect shell -- can be found here https://www.zhihu.com/question/21418449/answer/300879747.


Anaconda provides an extremely convenient way to set up customized scientific computing environment (not just for python). We suggest to use Anaconda to set up a default environment for our daily use, including Python, gcc, and even some practical tools like glances (installed by pip).

We suggest to install commonly used packages (e.g., PyTorch for a deep learning practitioner) within the default conda env which is typically named as base. This will greatly reduce our cost in switching conda env.


We suggest to compile Vim from source code to support a wider range of new features. Actually, it is not that difficult, and you can just follow the steps described by https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe/wiki/Building-Vim-from-source. When compiling Vim, you can use the config file for Python within the default conda env.


Tmux is a powerful tool for window splitting and multi-task management. Tmux can be conveniently installed by apt-get install tmux.


Before running python -m tools.setup, you need to check the path setting in "/tools/setup.py". If the default setting does not match with your linux environment, you need to modify it.