
Ansible role configurations for Starship Factory

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Scripts for Infrastructure at SF

This ansible repo currently defines the installation of the various machines in the starship factory.


Decrypt the ansible variable file with ansible-vault: ansible-vault

To deploy everywhere and everything: ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -u root

There are tags for all the roles defined:

  • ssh_key
  • info_pi

To use the playbook with the role only: ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -u root -t ssh_key

Role Description:

  • ssh_key: Deploy ssh_keys of sf members to root account of devices. keys are defined in the ssh_keys variable in group_vars/all.

  • info_pi: install info screen for advert screen to the outside

  • unattended_upgrades: configure unattended upgrades to install security upgrades automatically.