
Primary LanguagePython

Question-to-Actions for AssistQ

This repo provides a baseline model for our proposed task: AssistQ: Affordance-centric Question-driven Task Completion for Egocentric Assistant.

[Page] [Paper]

Click to see visualization demo:

Click to see the demo


(1) PyTorch. See https://pytorch.org/ for instruction. For example,

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

(2) PyTorch Lightning. See https://www.pytorchlightning.ai/ for instruction. For example,

pip install pytorch-lightning


Comming soon.


See encoder.md. (Comming soon after data released)

Training & Evaluation

Select the config file and simply train, e.g.,

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --cfg configs/q2a_fps1_vit_b16+bert_b.yaml

The evaluation will be performed after each epoch. You can use Tensorboard, or just terminal outputs to record evaluation results.


If you find our work helps, please cite our paper.

  author    = {Benita Wong and
               Joya Chen and
               You Wu and
               Stan Weixian Lei and
               Dongxing Mao and
               Difei Gao and
               Mike Zheng Shou},
  title     = {AssistQ: Affordance-centric Question-driven Task Completion for Egocentric
  journal   = {arXiv:2203.04203},
  year      = {2022}