
Postgres Importer for Philly 311 data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These instructions will load a sample 311 data set into postgres which will allow the 311 dash to function.

  • install postgres with postgis
  • Create philly_311 database in postgres
  • Import db schema with sudo -u postgres psql -d philly_311 -f schema.sql
  • Run yarn
  • Update import.js with postgres credentials
  • Run node import.js -- note that for very large datasets this may need some babysitting as it begins to overwhelm the pool and timeout, at which point you can exit, add a start index to the script (based on number of records already imported) and rerun -- not perfect but it works.
  • Enable postgis for philly_311 database:
    • Connect to philly_311 in psql shell: \c philly_311
    • Enable postgis extension: CREATE EXTENSION postgis
  • Update geom_imports.js with postgres credentials
  • Import neighborhood data (from shell): node geom_imports.js
  • Create neighborhood counts for existing 311 records: node getNeighborhoodCounts.js -- this takes a while to run


  • load postgres creds from env