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Carto Maps for NG Frontend

This repository contains config files for configuring map application in CKAN NG Frontend

Getting started

Configure plugin

NOTE If you are running CKAN Cloud you can ignore this section

  1. Install CKAN NG Frontend
  2. Enable carto plugin in your NG Frontend environment, along with your carto API credentials:

Optionally you can provide a CARTO_APIKEY. By default carto's public_default key which can access all public resources will be used.

Using Carto

  • Add a data resource to carto In your carto dashboard, add a new Dataset:

  • Upload or add link to data resource

  • Check for geo-encoding Geo-encoding data is storeid in carto in the the_geom column. This column should be populated during data import.

Create map instance in carto

Use carto's map builder to generate a map based on your data.

Export iframe

With your map completed, check out how to configure git (below) to display your map on your site.

SIDEBAR: Geocoding data

Data needs to have a the_geom column with a valid geometry object.




Or via SQL:

https://{USER_NAME}.carto.com/api/v2/sql?q=UPDATE {TABLE_NAME} SET the_geom = CDB_LatLng({LAT_COLUMN}, {LON_COLUMN})&api_key={API_KEY_WITH_WRITE_ACCESS}

https://paulwalker-datopian.carto.com/api/v2/sql?q=UPDATE accidents_2012_2017 SET the_geom = CDB_LatLng(loc_lat, loc_long)&api_key=Mef_QoqGyQRspq9AumGvbg

Auth: Note that the token used needs to be associated with an API user with write / update permissions


  1. Create a git repository called maps
  2. For each map on your site, add a directory to the repository with the name of your map -- this will be used in the path for frontend.

For example your repository directory could look like this:


Associated maps will be available at:

  • https://YOURSITE.com/maps/accidents
  • https://YOURSITE.com/maps/property-value
  • https://YOURSITE.com/maps/311-calls-2018
  1. Add a config.json file to each map directory. If your map was exported as an iframe, the config should look like this:

Page layout

Optionally you can add the following html files to your repository:

header.html -- will display above the map

  "type": "iframe",
  "url": "https://paulwalker-datopian.carto.com/builder/adb1a36d-85e0-488a-81dc-bf28530b876a/embed"

Via cartoVL -- ALPHA

You can have a go at this too, note that it is in Alpha and may not be stable.

  "type": "cartoVL",
  "map": {
    "container": "map",
    "style": "https://basemaps.cartocdn.com/gl/voyager-gl-style/style.json",
    "center": [-73.5673, 45.5017],
    "zoom": 12
  "layers": [
      "source": "accidents_2012_2017",
      "viz": "color: ramp(buckets(prop('nb_victimes_total'), [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100]), Prism)"


  • cartoVL


mapboxgl Map options object

Some optional attributes include:

  • container the id of the div to load the map, should be map to use the default plugin template
  • style path to carto basemap style object
  • center geographic center of map in [LONG, LAT] format
"map": {
  "container": "map",
  "style": "https://basemaps.cartocdn.com/gl/voyager-gl-style/style.json",
  "center": [-73.5673, 45.5017],
  "zoom": 12

For more detailed options see the mapboxgl docs


An array of layer objects consisting of:

  • source - the name of the carto resource
  • viz a Viz definition based on carto expressions -- USE STRING SYNTAX NOT JAVASCRIPT SYNTAX
"layers": [
    "source": "accidents_2012_2017",
    "viz": "color: ramp(buckets(prop('nb_victimes_total'), [1, 10, 100]), Prism)"