
Competitive Programming Code

Primary LanguageC++


Competitive Programming Code

My own implementations of algorithms from CP4 -> cpbook.net and some other things.


  • Think about number of states - too much recursion? - Use bottom up.
  • Final check if memoised before trying
  • Remember to & any arguments for memory especially for recursive.
  • Check need for longs
  • GDB:
    bt (backtrace call stack)
    p [varname] (variable)
    run < [filename]
  • May be able to use deque instead of bst if only want max min and vals come in right order
  • Input/output:
    • Use '\n' not endl to prevent buffer being flushed
    • ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); - can't then mix C and C++ input/output
    • cin.tie(NULL); at the beginning - Prevents the "flushing of cout before cin accepts new input" (may not want this for interactive problems)

Watch out for nearest minute - make sure that if it is 59.8 you do 1:00 not 0:00

int mins = round(unroundedHours * 60); //minutes
int hours = floor(mins/60);
mins = (mins - hours*60);
cout << hours << ":";
if (mins < 10) 
  cout << "0";
cout << mins << "\n";

Clear a c style array

  memset(members, 0, sizeof members);