
🛹 Minimalistic React Native App Starter with React Native Navigation, Expo Modules and RNN Screens.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

RNN with Expo

This is a minimalistic starter with React Native Navigation (v7.29.0) and Expo Modules (v46.0.10) set up and running together without any issues.

React Native version is 0.70.0.


  1. Clone the repo
npx degit starters-dev/rnn-with-expo app
  1. Install packages and pods
cd app && yarn && yarn ios:pods
  1. Run it

Open XCode or Android Studio to run the project (recommended) or do

yarn ios
yarn android


If you need to rename the app, do the following (based on react-native-rename):

yarn rename "NewApp" -b com.yourcompany.newapp
yarn ios:pods

⚠️ Troubleshooting on Android. You can see that after running rename script, it doesn't change package name and imports for files under newarchitecture folder.

You will need do these steps manually
  1. Open all .java files under android/app/src/main/java/your/bundle/newarchitecture/ folder.

  2. Open MainApplication.java.

  3. Find all packages and imports which contain io.batyr.rnnwithexpo and change them to yours.

What's inside

Extra helpful libraries

Known issues

  • [iOS] Hermes framework not found/loaded. There are some cases when hermes.framework is not found/loaded in XCode with React Native 0.70. Check this comment for potential solution.
  • [iOS] Large title is not shown on 2nd+ tab. This issue exists. You can find the patch file for fixing that at patches/react-native+0.70.0.patch.
  • [Android] Issue after renaming on Android. This happens when you rename the app using yarn rename script. Check Rename section for possible solution.


  • kanzitelli/rnn-starter - is a more advanced starter that is powered by cli-rn, React Native Navigation, Expo Modules, RNN Screens, RN UI lib, MMKV, Mobx, Reanimated 2, Dark Mode, Localization, Notifications, Permissions, and much more.

Originally bootstrapped from react-native-community/react-native-template-typescript.


This project is MIT licensed