Hook 42 Gatsby/Drupal Training

We thank you for taking this training and welcome your feedback.

For more information about Hook 42, please visit our website at http://www.hook42.com.

Local Dependencies

  1. Git
  2. Docker
  3. Docker Compose
  4. A stable internet connection :)

Initial setup

  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. Create a netlify account

Running the project

Install docker images

  1. From command line: docker-compose up -d
  2. docker-compose exec drupal bash
  3. composer install
  4. exit - you will leave the docker container and return to your host system.
  5. docker-compose exec gatsby bash
  6. npm install
  7. exit - you will leave the container and return to host.


A server running Drupal is loaded and installed from the command above.

  1. From Browser: http://localhost:9667


A server running Gatsby is loaded and installed from the command above.

The following steps demonstrate how to go into the server and execute Gatsby commands.

  1. From command line: docker-compose exec gatsby bash
  2. From command line:gatsby develop -H
  3. From Browser: http://localhost:9668

Cleaning up the project locally

Reset Drupal directory to initial state and remove docker containers:


Remove only docker containers:

docker-compose down --rmi all -v --remove-orphans