
:no_entry: [DEPRECATED]

Primary LanguageJava

How to develop

  1. install atlassian-plugin-sdk (https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/getting-started/set-up-the-atlassian-plugin-sdk-and-build-a-project)
  2. run atlas-run in the folder. this will take a while, it will in download all the dependencies etc using maven.
  3. Change code, run atlas-unit-test to run tests.

cutting a release

  1. run mvn release:prepare, this update pom.xml to release values, and make git tags etc
  2. run mvn release:perform, this builds, tests and packages.
  3. Upload resulting file to production JIRA instance using upm in the web gui.

More information https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/common-coding-tasks/development-cycle/packaging-and-releasing-your-plugin