
A Web3 Blockchain based smart-wallet smart contract deployed through Hardhat development and testing environment

Primary LanguageSolidity


Intro :

This project is of a smart wallet in which allows its owner to allot certain amount of money(ethers) to spent as a allowance and anyone can deposite any amount of money.

Functionality :

Owner can :-

    - Withdraw any amount of ethers.
    - Set allowance for any account.
    - Reduce allowance by any amount which is off course less than setallowance.
    - Withdraw money to any of beneficiary without effecting the setallowance value.
    - See Owners address.

Beneficiaries (excluding Owner) can :-

    - Withdraw less than or equal to alloted amount.
    - Withdraw less than or equal to alloted to other users in there respective accounts.
    - Reduse allowance for any user including themselves.
    - See Owners address.

Others (who are not alloted/registered by the Owner) can :-

     - See Owners address.

Deployment :

Clone the above repository to your local device than open the root directory i.e. Smart-Wallet-Project

Then run the following commands in termial (with termial pionting to root directory):-

To create the dependancies npm init

To install the dependancies npm install --save-dev hardhat

To initiate Hardhat project npx hardhat and then choose

Create a Javascript Project

now project has been inititated and dependancies have been installed so you can use standard hardhat process to deploy you contract using goerli testnet as default network

After deployment You will see the address of the deployed contract in terminal as

Deployed contract address image

The Deployed contract address is 0x8BDa03018aeB276AE48C34F7F96DB9626282EFB4

you can verify this transection in goerli testnet etherscan by searching for the above address transection details

Etherscan transection image

Interaction :

1. you can interact with the transection using ether.js, Web3.js library and call its function as long as you are alloted an allowance by the owner(me) or you can deploy you own instaance and play with it.

2. Also you can create a frontend to interact with it.

Snippets of frontend interaction function

Etherscan :

contract address (Goerli) : 0x8BDa03018aeB276AE48C34F7F96DB9626282EFB4

The deployed transection link (Etherscan) : Click Here