Example: Use secrets with a Nginx service

Generate CA certificates

  1. Generate a root key.

    $ openssl genrsa -out "root-ca.key" 4096
  2. Generate a CSR using the root key.

    $ openssl req\
              -new -key "root-ca.key"\
              -out "root-ca.csr" -sha256\
              -subj '/C=UK/ST=Midlothian/L=Edinburgh/O=Starx/CN=Swarm Secret Example CA'
  3. Configure the root CA. Edit a new file called root-ca.cnf and paste the following contents into it. This constrains the root CA to signing leaf certificates and not intermediate CAs.

    basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:1
    keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, cRLSign, keyCertSign
  4. Sign the certificate.

    $ openssl x509 -req  -days 3650  -in "root-ca.csr"\
                   -signkey "root-ca.key" -sha256 -out "root-ca.crt"\
                   -extfile "root-ca.cnf" -extensions\
  5. Generate the site key.

    $ openssl genrsa -out "site.key" 4096
  6. Generate the site certificate and sign it with the site key.

    $ openssl req -new -key "site.key" -out "site.csr" -sha256\
              -subj '/C=UK/ST=Midlothian/L=Edinburgh/O=Starx/CN=localhost'
  7. Configure the site certificate. Edit a new file called site.cnf and paste the following contents into it. This constrains the site certificate so that it can only be used to authenticate a server and can't be used to sign certificates.

    basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE
    keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    subjectAltName = DNS:localhost, IP:
  8. Sign the site certificate.

    $ openssl x509 -req -days 750 -in "site.csr" -sha256\
        -CA "root-ca.crt" -CAkey "root-ca.key"  -CAcreateserial\
        -out "site.crt" -extfile "site.cnf" -extensions server

Protect root-ca.key

Nginx conf

File: site.conf

server {
    listen                443 ssl;
    server_name           localhost;
    ssl_certificate       /run/secrets/site.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key   /run/secrets/site.key;

    location / {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index  index.html index.htm;

Create a nginx service

docker service create \
     --name nginx \
     --secret site.key \
     --secret site.crt \
     --secret source=site.conf,target=/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf \
     --publish published=3000,target=443 \
     nginx:latest \
     sh -c "exec nginx -g 'daemon off;'"

Verify you can reach the Nginx server

curl --cacert root-ca.crt https://localhost:3000

Verify TLS Server

openssl s_client -connect localhost:3000 -CAfile root-ca.crt

Remove the service

docker service rm nginx