
Lists of programming related books I (have)/(plan to) read


Managment and Leadership

General programming books

Functional programming

  • Category theory for programmers by Bartosz Milewski (https://github.com/hmemcpy/milewski-ctfp-pdf)
    Excellent book that gets you into CT pretty quickly. If this would be your first shot with CT, then you will certainly find helpful Bartosz's talks on youtube, which are great way to deepen the gained knowledge. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8LbkfSSR58)

  • Algebra-Driven design by Sandy Maguire (https://algebradriven.design/)
    Great read on how to get deep insight into an algebra of your library. This can help greatly if you want to splify the API of the library to the minimal orthogonal operations and maybe even generate the implementation and tests instead of writing it!

  • Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason (https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-scala)
    Amazing book ! I couldn't imagine better introduction to FP. It is not about Scala at all, but about core principles of functional programming. Highly recommended. This book tought me about what functional programming is, what are the basic constructs and then the more advance and abstract ones like monoids, monads, applicative functors etc.

  • FSharp for fun and profit by Scott Wlaschin (https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/books/)
    Big kudos to Scott, he has given us so much material to learn FP and F# from. This is just a must read for someone new to FP or F#. I learned so much from him such as proper domain modeling, composition and many other.



  • Big Data a NoSQL Databáze (In czech) mainly by Doc. RNDr. Irena Holubová, Ph.D and Ing. Jiří Kosek (http://www.ksi.mff.cuni.cz/bigdata/)
    Great book that has widen my knowledge of NoSql. Contrary to other books, this one goes more deeply into the principles like distributed transactions, replication or graph indexing.

Recommendation systems

  • Recommender Systems Handbook by Ricci, F., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., Kantor (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9780387858203)
    Very exhaustive book with almost thousand pages. I read mainly first few chapters introducing the topic in general and it did a good job.


  • Domain-Driven Design in PHP by Carlos Buenosvinos, Christian Soronellas, and Keyvan Akbary (https://leanpub.com/ddd-in-php)
    Nice intro to DDD with PHP examples. Didn't read to the end, but found it good.

  • Build APIs You Won't Hate by Phil Sturgeon (https://leanpub.com/build-apis-you-wont-hate)
    Very good introduction to building REST APIS, it teaches you how really should REST API look like and also why. Shows how to make use of HTTP verbs, resources and HATEOS.

  • PHP the right way by Josh Lockhart (http://www.phptherightway.com/)
    Good read for someone starting in PHP !
