
The buildout for demo.plone.de

Primary LanguagePython


This is the buildout and package used for demo.plone.de

Is uses the starzel-buildout (https://github.com/starzel/buildout)


On california (KVM host) is a cron (/etc/cron.d/update_demo_plone_de) to execute fabric and reset the page every four hours.

# cron.daily/update_demo_plone_de -- daily reset of demo site
0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * *  root    /usr/local/bin/fab -f /root/demo.plone.de/fabfile demo_host update >>/var/log/demo.plone 2>&1

On budapest (KVM guest) /home/zope/ runs the plone sites

When this repository has no changes fabric only runs ./bin/buildout install plonesite to speed up things. Otherwise it runs the complete buildout.

The plonesite part of the buildout uses collective.recipe.plonesite to create a fresh site each time and installs the profile plonedemo.site:default which creates some demo-content.

Changes compared to stock-plone

Among other things the setuphandler of plonesite.demo loads two zexp-files into the site and links the content as translations.

The login-form is overrriden with z3c.jbot to enable autologin with different roles.


plone.app.multilingual is installed by default and demo-content is created in german, english, spanish and basque. Pull-request for additional languages are welcome but have to contain new zexp for the demo-content. See collective#17 for an example.

We can add additional country-specific domains to the nginx-config.