PK Framework

This is my own just-for-fun implementation of a modern JavaScript framework. I am inspired by the VueJS syntax and its simplicity, so that is why some parts look very similar to VueJS.


The main goals were:

  • The super-small size (8kb non-minified, 200 lines of code 🚀)
  • Pure JavaScript (no dependencies at all)
  • Performance is not so important (since it's just-for-fun implementation 🤗)
  • Support of the main concepts of a modern JS frameworks


The framework supports the following features:

  • Value interpolation (pk-bind)
  • Two-way data binding (pk-model)
  • Simple loops through array (pk-for)
  • DOM actions (pk-onclick, pk-onsubmit, pk-oncheck)
  • Statements (pk-if)


Find the demos: