Erowid Data Scraper

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Spring Intensive 2020 Proposal

Anastasia Gallardo

Solo project


I propose to webscrape the Erowid website using python and would like to eventually use the data for my Journey Wise API that provides vital information for people who are interested in using entheogenic substances/plants for healing purposes.

Journey Wise API documentation:

Anticipated Challenges

I expect to be challenged by learning the basics of webscraping, learning to use the data that I collect in a way that makes it available for my API, and then populating my API with the data. I am still building my proficiency in Python and expect to be challenged by the language as well.


Webscrape the Erowid website, retrieve the relevant information for each plant and collect the data.


Translate the data into JSON.


Find more websites with information I want, repeat the process used for Erowid and add the data into my API

Personal Achievement Goals:

  1. Learn the basics of webscraping using Python.
  2. Become more proficient in Python.
  3. Understand how to collect a large amount of JSON data and add it to a database.
  4. Fill my Journey Wise API with accurate data from various websites.