
Open Source Hardware project for a battery powered DC voltage boost converter. Battery charge and protection integrated with an inexpensive Switch Mode Power Supply to convert 3.7 V to anywhere between 5 V and 24 V DC.


Battery Boost Module

3.7 V input, 5V-24V output

This respository contains the source files for a boost circuit designed to boost the voltage from a lithium battery to anywhere between 5 and 24 Volts.

The module includes a battery management system to help make recharging as easy as plugging in the microUSB cable.


This board has been designed in KiCAD, the wonderful open-source Electronics CAD software!

Learn More About KiCAD

Project Status

I have written an article on Hackster to explain some of the lessons learned while working on this design.

I still have some testing to do and write about, so stay tuned for that!

I also intend on creating a documentation companion site hosted on this repo's github page.

Be sure to check out my instagram page for more frequent updates!

Stasis Electronics on Instagram