
API-less Instagram scrapper

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


insta-looter is a clojure library that allows to retrieve Instagram posts without using their API. It was inspired by InstaLooter Python library.

Instagram API is very limited (at least until they approve your application). I just needed to access some public posts, this library does just that.

Warning: since this library doesn't use API, it might stop working if Instagram changes how their website works.

Current version:

Clojars Project


Retrieve user profile and n latest posts

Will return a hashmap with the profile information and n latest posts in :media key of the profile.

It will automatically retrieve multiple pages if needed, depending on how many posts you want to get.

(require '[insta-looter.core :as looter])

(pprint (looter/loot-profile "justinbieber" 2))

Retrieve individual post

The code parameter is the post identifier (the link for individual post looks like this: "https://www.instagram.com/p/BSMpnRHhvJv/", where "BSMpnRHhvJv" is the code).

Will return a hashmap with two keys: :profile (with some limited profile information) and :post with the post details including comments.

(require '[insta-looter.core :as looter])

(pprint (looter/loot-post "BSMpnRHhvJv"))

Search users

This function uses Instagram's auto-complete to perform the search since they don't have a proper search. You can't really control anything here, but it's better than nothing. Returns a list of user profile hashmaps.

(require '[insta-looter.core :as looter])

(pprint (looter/search-users "southpark"))


Copyright © 2017 stask.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.