This directory contains an example Android client for Prerequisites: - "Getting the code" on - Set up webrtc-related GYP variables: export GYP_DEFINES="build_with_libjingle=1 build_with_chromium=0 libjingle_java=1 OS=android $GYP_DEFINES" To cause WEBRTC_LOGGING to emit to Android's logcat, add enable_tracing=1 to the $GYP_DEFINES above. - When targeting both desktop & android, make sure to use a different output_dir value in $GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS - for example export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="$GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS output_dir=out_android" or you'll likely end up with mismatched ARM & x86 output artifacts. If you use an output_dir other than out/ make sure to modify the command-lines below appropriately. - Finally, run "gclient runhooks" to generate Android-targeting .ninja files. Example of building & using the app: cd <path/to/webrtc>/src ninja -C out/Debug AppRTCDemo adb install -r out/Debug/apks/AppRTCDemo.apk In desktop chrome, navigate to and note the r=<NNN> room this redirects to or navigate directly to<NNN> with your own room number. Launch AppRTC on the device and add same <NNN> into the room name list. You can also run application from a command line to connect to the first room in a list: adb shell am start -n org.appspot.apprtc/.ConnectActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW This should result in the app launching on Android and connecting to the 3-dot-apprtc page displayed in the desktop browser. To run loopback test execute following command: adb shell am start -n org.appspot.apprtc/.ConnectActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW --ez "org.appspot.apprtc.LOOPBACK" true