The workshop is build around five steps.
- Deployment of required Azure infrastructure, databases for step one and two, along with AKS for 3 and 4.
- Building the monolithic Web API solution and splitting its databases.
- Splitting solution into two projects, containeraizing them and adding DAPR runtime.
- Create AKS manifest, setting up DAPR in Azure Kubernetes cluster and deploying solution to Cloud.
- Adding DAPR pubsub component and RabbitMQ container. Changing solution code to work with a pubsub. Analyzing issues and solving them with logging.
Good mood :).
- Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code with .NET Framework 3.1.
- Docker Desktop to run the containerized application locally.
- DAPR CLI installed on a local machine.
- Kompose tool for Kubernetes manifest generation (optional).
- AZ CLI tools installation(for cloud deployment)
- Azure subscription, if you want to deploy applications to Kubernetes(AKS).
- Kubectl installation
- Good mood :)
Script below should be run via Azure Portal bash console. You will receive database connection strings with setx command as output of this script. Please add a correct name of your subscription to the first row of the script.
subscriptionID=$(az account list --query "[?contains(name,'Microsoft')].[id]" -o tsv)
echo "Test subscription ID is = " $subscriptionID
az account set --subscription $subscriptionID
az account show
# Database infrastructure
export dbResourceGroup=ms-action-dapr-data$postfix
export dbServername=ms-action-dapr$postfix
export dbPoolname=dbpool
export dbAdminlogin=FancyUser3
export dbAdminpassword=Sup3rStr0ng52$postfix
export dbPaperName=paperorders
export dbDeliveryName=deliveries
az group create --name $dbResourceGroup --location $location
az sql server create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --name $dbServername --location $location \
--admin-user $dbAdminlogin --admin-password $dbAdminpassword
az sql elastic-pool create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --name $dbPoolname \
--edition Standard --dtu 50 --zone-redundant false --db-dtu-max 50
az sql db create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --elastic-pool $dbPoolname \
--name $dbPaperName --catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
az sql db create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --elastic-pool $dbPoolname \
--name $dbDeliveryName --catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
SqlPaperString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --name $dbPaperName --server $dbServername --client $sqlClientType --output tsv)
SqlDeliveryString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --name $dbDeliveryName --server $dbServername --client $sqlClientType --output tsv)
# AKS infrastructure
az group create --name $groupName --location $location
az acr create --resource-group $groupName --name $registryName --sku Standard
az acr identity assign --identities [system] --name $registryName
az aks create --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --node-count 3 --generate-ssh-keys --network-plugin azure
az aks update --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --attach-acr $registryName
# Service bus queue and application insights
az group create --name $groupName --location $location
az servicebus namespace create --resource-group $groupName --name $namespaceName --location $location
az servicebus queue create --resource-group $groupName --name $queueName --namespace-name $namespaceName
serviceBusString=$(az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $groupName --namespace-name $namespaceName --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query primaryConnectionString --output tsv)
az monitor app-insights component create --resource-group $groupName --app $insightsName --location $location --kind web --application-type web --retention-time 120
instrumentationKey=$(az monitor app-insights component show --resource-group $groupName --app $insightsName --query "instrumentationKey" --output tsv)
# Azure function app with storage account
az storage account create --name $accountName --location $location --kind StorageV2 \
--resource-group $groupName --sku $accountSku --access-tier Hot --https-only true
accountKey=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $groupName --account-name $accountName --query "[0].value" | tr -d '"')
echo "applicationName = " $applicationName
az functionapp create --resource-group $groupName \
--name $applicationName --storage-account $accountName \
--consumption-plan-location $location --functions-version 3
az functionapp update --resource-group $groupName --name $applicationName --set dailyMemoryTimeQuota=400000
az functionapp config appsettings set --resource-group $groupName --name $applicationName --settings "MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1"
az functionapp config appsettings set --resource-group $groupName --name $applicationName --settings ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production
az functionapp config appsettings set --resource-group $groupName --name $applicationName --settings "StorageConnectionString=$accountConnString"
az keyvault create --resource-group $groupName --name $keyvaultName --location $location
az keyvault secret set --name SqlPaperPassword --vault-name $keyvaultName --value $SqlPaperPassword
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $principalName --create-cert --cert $principalCertName --keyvault $keyvaultName --skip-assignment --years 3
# get appId from output of step above and add it after --id in command below.
# az ad sp show --id 88511b82-8ced-4ba3-bd9b-0599f479e870
# get objectId from command output above and set it to command below
# az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvaultName --object-id b3535a27-26f0-4c59-a50a-bd13886e4185 --secret-permissions get
# SQL connection strings
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlPaperString:\nsetx SqlPaperString \"$SqlPaperString\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlDeliveryString:\nsetx SqlDeliveryString \"$SqlDeliveryString\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlPaperPassword:\nsetx SqlPaperPassword \"$SqlPaperPassword\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlDeliveryPassword:\nsetx SqlDeliveryPassword \"$SqlPaperPassword\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable AzureWebJobsStorage:\nsetx AzureWebJobsStorage \"$accountConnString\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable ServiceBusString:\nsetx ServiceBusString \"$serviceBusString\"\n\n"
echo "Update open-telemetry-collector-appinsights.yaml in Step 4 End => <INSTRUMENTATION-KEY> value with: " $instrumentationKey
Important thing is to setup network connectivity between deployed kubernetes cluster and deployed database.
There are two steps to do it via Azure Portal.
Kubernetes connectivity
- Navigate into resource group MC_msaction-cluster_msaction-cluster_northeurope and open
- Open Virtual network there
- Open Service endpoints and click add
- Select Microsoft.SQL from dropdown and select aks-vnet in the next dropdown.
- Add additional integration with Microsoft.ServiceBus
SQL Server connectivity.
- Navigate to the resource group - ms-action-dapr-data
- Open Sql Server ms-action-dapr
- Click Show Firewall
- On top click add client IP address, so you can access sql server from your work machine
- Click Add existing virtual network + Create new virtual network
- Add aks-vnet with a proper name(check name via AKS cluster group)
- Most important step - click Save in the portal UI
We will split Entity Framework context into two parts that can use the same(or different databases).
Gradual split in code is a key to successful migration and can be done as a part of normal development process.
Start folder contains monolith solution
End folder contains monolith with EF context split in two for the different schema in the same database.
We adding containerization via Visual Studio tooling and manually adding DAPR sidecar configuration for each server.
Start folder contains solution with two projects. Along with Dockefile generated by visual studio and updates for code. Including the new reference for localhost container url - host.docker.internal and environment variable file. Don't forget to add env file with a secrets content along with changes to docker-compose.yaml in the root folder.
Solution will work with two containers, so there is a need to put the correct container port for Delivery service.
!! Be aware, if you have docker build exceptions in Visual studio with errors related to the File system, there is a need to configure docker desktop. Open Docker desktop => configuration => Resources => File sharing => Add your project folder or entire drive, C:\ for example. Dont forget to remove drive setting later on.
End folder contains solution with DAPR, service invocation via HTTP and docker compose files with sidecar.
Lets start with right clicking on each solution and adding orchestration with Container orchestration via Docker compose. Visual studio will generate docker compose files for you.
We will create AKS manifests for our services and add DAPR sections. Deploy dapr to AKS cluster and add containers to the private repository.
Start folder contains solution with local env variables added to docker compose. At this point we will enable database communication with our AKS cluster and setup connection from local machine to private container registry and kubernetes cluster.
End folder contains solution with Kubernetes manifests ready for deployment, secrets included right into manifests to simplify flow.
You will need an Azure subscription ID.
Lets start with CMD.
az login
az account set --subscription 95cd9078f8c
az account show
az acr login --name msactionregistry
az aks get-credentials --resource-group msaction-cluster --name msaction-cluster --overwrite-existing
kubectl config use-context msaction-cluster
kubectl get all
And initialize DAPR.
dapr init -k
and validate it with
dapr status -k
Then we will need to build our solution in release mode and observe results with command. You can start docker desktop application for GUI container handling.
docker images
Lets tag our newly built container with azure container registry name and version.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
Check results with
docker images
And push images to container registry
docker push
docker push
There is need to change version of container in YAML manifest files inside Step 3 End directory, and change this files each time you preparing a new version of container.
- name: tpaperorders
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
Now we need to pray the "demo gods" for our deployment and run commands below
kubectl apply -f tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
And then check results with
kubectl get all
You can use set of commands below for quick container/publish re-deployments. Just change version in kubernetes manifest and commands below.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
We cam observe our deployment with get all command and checking of external public endpoints(public load balancer endpoints).
In case of the problems we need to investigate logs via command prompt.
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-8c4bdc475-j89kx daprd
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-8c4bdc475-j89kx tpaperdelivery
We will deploy DAPR pubsub component to Azure. Make changes to our code and take a look into the pod logs to see whats happening.
Start folder contains all needed files for this step.
We need to deploy pubsub component and RabbitMQ broker with
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq.yaml
kubectl apply -f pubsub-rabbitmq.yaml
Then we updating C# code and DAPR service manifest files to container v2 and building solution in Visual Studio.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker push
docker push
And then deployment via service manifests.
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq.yaml
kubectl apply -f pubsub-rabbitmq.yaml
And testing results with slightly updated endpoints
We will need following commands to get logs from AKS cluster. You should get correct pod names from get all command and change log command accordingly.
kubectl get all
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-599b8cd4b7-8nxzz daprd
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-599b8cd4b7-8nxzz tpaperdelivery
In the folder END we have additional file for Application insight integration.
Check out the file open-telemetry-collector-appinsights.yaml and replace the placeholder with your Application Insights Instrumentation Key. Apply the configuration with
kubectl apply -f open-telemetry-collector-appinsights.yaml
Open collector-config.yaml file and check its content Apply the configuration with
kubectl apply -f collector-config.yaml
Update services manifestst with following code and update container version to the new version. debug "appconfig"
Rebuild solution in visual studio and deploy new container versions.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker push
docker push
kubectl apply -f tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
- We created an Azure Key Vault with our infrastructure beforehand. But steps below included just in case.
az keyvault create --resource-group $groupName --name $keyvaultName --location $location
- Create a service principal
Create a service principal with a new certificate and store the 3-year certificate inside [your keyvault]'s certificate vault.
Note you can skip this step if you want to use an existing service principal for keyvault instead of creating new one
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $principalName --create-cert --cert $principalCertName --keyvault $keyvaultName --skip-assignment --years 3
"appId": "88511b82-8ced-4ba3-bd9b-0599f479e870",
"displayName": "vaultadmin",
"name": "88511b82-8ced-4ba3-bd9b-0599f479e870",
"password": null,
"tenant": "53e93ede-ec5b-4d7a-8376-48e080d23e88"
Save the both the appId and tenant from the output which will be used in the next step
- Get the Object Id for [your_service_principal_name]
az ad sp show --id 88511b82-8ced-4ba3-bd9b-0599f479e870
"objectId": "b3535a27-26f0-4c59-a50a-bd13886e4185",
"objectType": "ServicePrincipal",
- Grant the service principal the GET permission to your Azure Key Vault
az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvaultName --object-id b3535a27-26f0-4c59-a50a-bd13886e4185 --secret-permissions get
Now, your service principal has access to your keyvault, you are ready to configure the secret store component to use secrets stored in your keyvault to access other components securely.
Download PFX cert from your Azure Keyvault via Portal Go to your keyvault on Portal and download [certificate_name] pfx cert from certificate vault
Create a kubernetes secret using the following command
- C:\3\msactiondapr-vaultadmincert-20210923.pfx is the path of PFX cert file you downloaded before
- vaultsecret is secret name in Kubernetes secret store
kubectl create secret generic vaultsecret2 --from-file=vaultsecret2="C:\3\msactiondapr-vaultadmincert-20210923.pfx"
- Create azurekeyvault-deploy.yaml component file
The component yaml refers to the Kubernetes secretstore using auth
property and secretKeyRef
refers to the certificate stored in Kubernetes secret store.
kind: Component
name: azurekeyvault
- name: vaultName
value: msActionDapr
- name: spnTenantId
value: "53e93ede-ec5b-4d7a-8376-48e080d23e88"
- name: spnClientId
value: "88511b82-8ced-4ba3-bd9b-0599f479e870"
- name: spnCertificate
key: msactiondapr-vaultadmincert-20210923.pfx
- Apply azurekeyvault.yaml component
kubectl apply -f azurekeyvault-deploy.yaml
- We already stored SQL password in KeyVault, but for clarification.
az keyvault secret set --name SqlPaperPassword --vault-name $keyvaultName --value $SqlPaperPassword
Now we need to update manifest of delivery service
- name: tpaperdelivery
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
value: http://+:80
- name: SqlDeliveryString
value: [secret]
- name: SqlPaperPassword
name: SqlPaperPassword
key: SqlPaperPassword
secretStore: azurekeyvault
Apply service component
kubectl apply -f tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
Make sure that
is loaded successfully in daprd
sidecar log
You might need to delete all deployments
kubectl get deployments
kubectl delete deployments tpaperdelivery
kubectl delete deployments tpaperorders
kubectl delete svc tpaperorders
kubectl delete svc tpaperdelivery
If you want to purge containers from Azure container registry
az acr repository delete --name msactionregistry --repository tpaperdelivery
az acr repository delete --name msactionregistry --repository tpaperorders
To cleanup local docker images via cmd. It is recommended to do after each step.
for /F %i in ('docker images -a -q') do docker rmi -f %i