modern microservices workshop
The workshop is build around many steps.
- Deployment of required Azure infrastructure, databases for step one and two, along with Container App environment and AKS
- PMonolith split and containerization.
- Azure Container apps, http and switch to dapr with pubsub
- Relaxed part. Overview of Container Apps key features and problems. Why pubsub, why migrate to Kubernetes. Extra tasks
- Migration from Container Apps to Kubernetes. Switch of components, SB queue to topic
- DAPR on AKS, adding secrets and overview of components.
- Component switch and migration to on-premises Scenarios.
- Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code with .NET Framework 6.
- Docker Desktop to run the containerized application locally.
- DAPR CLI installed on a local machine.
- AZ CLI tools installation(for cloud deployment)
- Azure subscription, if you want to deploy applications to Kubernetes(AKS).
- Kubectl installation
- Good mood :)
(optional)Kompose tool for Kubernetes manifest generation.
Script below should be run via Azure Portal bash console. You will receive database connection strings with setx command as output of this script. Along with Application Insights key Please add a correct name of your subscription to the first row of the script.
As result of this deployemt you should open the local command line as admin and execute output strings from the script execution to set environment variables. It is also good to store them in the text file for the future usage
You might need to reboot your PC so secrets will be available from the OS.
For the start the preferrable way is to use Azue CLI bash console via Azure portal.
subscriptionID=$(az account list --query "[?contains(name,'Microsoft')].[id]" -o tsv)
echo "Test subscription ID is = " $subscriptionID
az account set --subscription $subscriptionID
az account show
# Database infrastructure
export dbResourceGroup=dcc-modern-data$postfix
export dbServername=dcc-modern-sql$postfix
export dbPoolname=dbpool
export dbAdminlogin=FancyUser3
export dbAdminpassword=Sup3rStr0ng52$postfix
export dbPaperName=paperorders
export dbDeliveryName=deliveries
az group create --name $dbResourceGroup --location $location
az sql server create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --name $dbServername --location $location \
--admin-user $dbAdminlogin --admin-password $dbAdminpassword
az sql elastic-pool create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --name $dbPoolname \
--edition Standard --dtu 50 --zone-redundant false --db-dtu-max 50
az sql db create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --elastic-pool $dbPoolname \
--name $dbPaperName --catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
az sql db create --resource-group $dbResourceGroup --server $dbServername --elastic-pool $dbPoolname \
--name $dbDeliveryName --catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
SqlPaperString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --name $dbPaperName --server $dbServername --client $sqlClientType --output tsv)
SqlDeliveryString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --name $dbDeliveryName --server $dbServername --client $sqlClientType --output tsv)
# AKS infrastructure
az group create --name $groupName --location $location
az acr create --resource-group $groupName --name $registryName --sku Standard
az acr identity assign --identities [system] --name $registryName
az aks create --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --node-count 3 --generate-ssh-keys --network-plugin azure
az aks update --resource-group $groupName --name $clusterName --attach-acr $registryName
az aks enable-addons --addon monitoring --name $clusterName --resource-group $groupName
# Service bus queue
az group create --name $groupName --location $location
az servicebus namespace create --resource-group $groupName --name $namespaceName --location $location
az servicebus queue create --resource-group $groupName --name $queueName --namespace-name $namespaceName
serviceBusString=$(az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $groupName --namespace-name $namespaceName --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query primaryConnectionString --output tsv)
# Application insights
az monitor app-insights component create --resource-group $groupName --app $insightsName --location $location --kind web --application-type web --retention-time 120
instrumentationKey=$(az monitor app-insights component show --resource-group $groupName --app $insightsName --query "instrumentationKey" --output tsv)
# Azure Container Apps
az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.OperationalInsights
az group create --name $acaGroupName --location $location
az monitor log-analytics workspace create \
--resource-group $acaGroupName --workspace-name $logAnalyticsWorkspace
logAnalyticsWorkspaceClientId=`az monitor log-analytics workspace show --query customerId -g $acaGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace -o tsv | tr -d '[:space:]'`
logAnalyticsWorkspaceClientSecret=`az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --query primarySharedKey -g $acaGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace -o tsv | tr -d '[:space:]'`
az containerapp env create \
--name $containerAppsEnv \
--resource-group $acaGroupName \
--logs-workspace-id $logAnalyticsWorkspaceClientId \
--logs-workspace-key $logAnalyticsWorkspaceClientSecret \
--dapr-instrumentation-key $instrumentationKey \
--logs-destination log-analytics \
--location $location
az containerapp env show --resource-group $acaGroupName --name $containerAppsEnv
# we don't need a section below for this workshop, but you can use it later
# use command below to fill credentials values if you want to use section below
#az acr credential show --name $registryName
#az containerapp create \
# --name my-container-app \
# --resource-group $acaGroupName \
# --image $imageName \
# --environment $containerAppsEnv \
# --registry-server $acrServer \
# --registry-username $acrUser \
# --registry-password $acrPassword
# Azure Key Vault with secrets assignment and access setup
az keyvault create --resource-group $groupName --name $keyvaultName --location $location
az keyvault secret set --name SqlPaperPassword --vault-name $keyvaultName --value $SqlPaperPassword
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $principalName --create-cert --cert $principalCertName --keyvault $keyvaultName --skip-assignment --years 3
# get appId from output of step above and add it after --id in command below.
# az ad sp show --id 474f817c-7eba-4656-ae09-979a4bc8d844
# get object Id (located before info object) from command output above and set it to command below
# az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvaultName --object-id f1d1a707-1356-4fb8-841b-98e1d9557b05 --secret-permissions get
# SQL connection strings
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlPaperString:\nsetx SqlPaperString \"$SqlPaperString\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlDeliveryString:\nsetx SqlDeliveryString \"$SqlDeliveryString\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlPaperPassword:\nsetx SqlPaperPassword \"$SqlPaperPassword\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable SqlDeliveryPassword:\nsetx SqlDeliveryPassword \"$SqlPaperPassword\"\n\n"
printf "\n\nRun string below in local cmd prompt to assign secret to environment variable ServiceBusString:\nsetx ServiceBusString \"$serviceBusString\"\n\n"
echo "Update open-telemetry-collector-appinsights.yaml in Step 5 End => <INSTRUMENTATION-KEY> value with: " $instrumentationKey
The Start repository contains approach for splitting monolithic app into parts inside the same solution and single database with two schemas
The End folder contains solution with the one solution and two projects.
Let's have a look intor start solution, it is a cool monolith prepared for the split. We need to open and start it, to check if our environment variables is applied and get
a nice exception, so we need to add firewall rule to our database.
Afterwards we can safely move to the End step repository. ! Just a reminder, it is easier for you to gradually update a single repo, starting from the End of Step 1.
First we adding docker containerization via context menu of each project.
Then we adding orchestration support via docker compose again to the each project
Following by adding the environment variable file to the root folder, so secrets will be shared between service for simplicity
And manually referencing this file in docker-compose.yml
version: '3.4'
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}tpaperdelivery
context: .
dockerfile: TPaperDelivery/Dockerfile
- settings.env
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}tpaperorders
context: .
dockerfile: TPaperOrders/Dockerfile
- settings.env
Then we are changing the method to call the Delivery container endpoint, so it would call the second service by his have in docker
private async Task<DeliveryModel> CreateDeliveryForOrder(EdiOrder savedOrder, CancellationToken cts)
string url = $"http://tpaperdelivery:80/api/delivery/create/{savedOrder.ClientId}/{savedOrder.Id}/{savedOrder.ProductCode}/{savedOrder.Quantity}";
using var httpClient = _clientFactory.CreateClient();
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
using var result = await httpClient.GetAsync(uriBuilder.Uri, cts);
if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return null;
var content = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DeliveryModel>(content);
We will also configure the Compose startup via Visual Studio so the Paper project endpoint will start as a primary starting point.
All changes available in the commit history, so it is easy to track them.
And from this point you should run solution in debug with docker compose option
!! Be aware, if you have docker build exceptions in Visual studio with errors related to the File system, there is a need to configure docker desktop. Open Docker desktop => configuration => Resources => File sharing => Add your project folder or entire drive, C:\ for example. Dont forget to remove drive setting later on.
!! When you try to start the same solution from the new folder, you might need to stop and delete containers via docker compose.
We will start this step with the overview of the infrastructure deployed in Azure
Changes to the secrets to get a proper secrets for our application Addition of application insights nuget and custom logging Changes to URLs
Deployment to Container Apps via Visual studio Configuration for GitHub actions deployments
But if we will try to publish our first app, it will fail, because of the bad docker file generated by Visual studio.
Let us fix it by adding string below, so dockew would know which step it should take
build AS publish
before the following line
RUN dotnet publish "TPaperOrders.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish /p:UseAppHost=false
and also adding the port 443 for SSL, please repeat this step for delivery project if you got the bad manifest
Let's try to deploy two containers to container app.
And now it is time to figure out our FQDN so we can call our services externally and internally. And also have a look into our Portal configurations
And after a brief look with can figure out that deployment has failed
after a click on the failed deployment, we need to select Console logs and see results in the log analytics
After expanding the latest log entry, we can see Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'Password') Which means that we not configured secrets for our application.
Let's do a quick fix by adding secrets to the Container App settings (KeyVault we will use later)
After this changes we re-deploying our application and getting another error Cannot open server 'dcc-modern-sql' requested by the login. Client with IP address
There is a two ways to solve this problem, the first is to use Azure Connector preview and make a direct link to database with secrets managed by KeyVault, or add IP address to exceptions. Or you can create a Container app environment with VNet from the start and use network endpoint of Azure SQL
After this changes our application successfuly provisioned.
There is a limit of one ingress per one container app, along with the reccomendation to host two containers only in case of workload + sidecar. Moreover Visual studion will not let you easily do so.
So we need to deploy a delivery app as a separate app and configure urls for service to service communications.
We will need to get a full URL of Delivery Container APP from a portal or Azure cli for automation
az containerapp show --resource-group acaGroupName \
--name acaName --query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn
so we will get following url
and add internal, so it will look like
and add this value to DeliveryUrl environment variable file with docker url, and to container app config DeliveryUrl
And please allow Insecure connections for Delivery service via ingress configuration
We should use the full path to make initial call to order API and see results
And now it is time to add intialize and add DAPR, run solution locally, initialize DAPR in the ACA apps and add pubsub component via Azure Service Bus.
Lets open a command prompt with admin rights to install Dapr CLI
powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"
And initialize DAPR for the local development
dapr init
We can check results(container list) by opening Docker Desktop or running command docker ps.
Lets update our solution compose file with DAPR sidecar containers, for production you should replace DAPR latest with particular version to avoid problems with auto updates.
version: '3.4'
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}tpaperdelivery
context: .
dockerfile: TPaperDelivery/Dockerfile
- "52000:50001"
- settings.env
image: "daprio/daprd:latest"
command: [ "./daprd", "-app-id", "tpaperdelivery", "-app-port", "80" ]
- tpaperdelivery
network_mode: "service:tpaperdelivery"
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}tpaperorders
context: .
dockerfile: TPaperOrders/Dockerfile
- "51000:50001"
- settings.env
image: "daprio/daprd:latest"
command: [ "./daprd", "-app-id", "tpaperorders", "-app-port", "80" ]
- tpaperorders
network_mode: "service:tpaperorders"
Now we need to make adjustments to PaperOrders project, by adding DAPR dependency
<PackageReference Include="Dapr.AspNetCore" Version="1.9.0" />
Adding it to the Startup
And replacing method CreateDeliveryForOrder with http endpoint invocation via DAPR client
private async Task<DeliveryModel> CreateDeliveryForOrder(EdiOrder savedOrder, CancellationToken cts)
string serviceName = "tpaperdelivery";
string route = $"api/delivery/create/{savedOrder.ClientId}/{savedOrder.Id}/{savedOrder.ProductCode}/{savedOrder.Quantity}";
DeliveryModel savedDelivery = await _daprClient.InvokeMethodAsync<DeliveryModel>(
HttpMethod.Get, serviceName, route, cts);
return savedDelivery;
If we will start a service and invoke a new order via http://localhost:52043/api/order/create/1 we can see that everything working as usual, except that we got additional container sidecars for each service
This way we leveraged service locator provided by dapr, it is still a http communication between services, but now you can skip usage of evnironment variable and routing will be a responsibility of DAPR.
First we preparing simplified DAPR pubsub yaml manifest for pubsub(available in yaml folder of Step 2 End)
version: v1
- name: connectionString
secretRef: sbus-connectionstring
- name: sbus-connectionstring
value: super-secret
And then deploying it to Azure via local azure CLI or portal console with file upload. Locally you should do az login first. The pubsub component would be pubsubsbus, we will use it later in code.
az containerapp env dapr-component set --resource-group dcc-modern-containerapp --name dcc-environment --dapr-component-name pubsubsbus --yaml "pubsubsbus.yaml"
Important thing, we are adding this DAPR component for entire environment, so it will be available for all apps, also we not included scopes at this step, something for the future.
Afterwards there is a need to put the correct Azure Service Bus connection string on the portal via Container App environment
One important this, please add the following section to your service bus connection string ";EntityPath=createdelivery" "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=CGnGz1L+Jw=;EntityPath=createdelivery"
Now let's add DAPR pub/sub components to our solution.
Change CreateDeliveryForOrder in TPaperOrders project to the following code that uses DAPR pubsub
private async Task<DeliveryModel> CreateDeliveryForOrder(EdiOrder savedOrder, CancellationToken cts)
var newDelivery = new DeliveryModel
Id = 0,
ClientId = savedOrder.ClientId,
EdiOrderId = savedOrder.Id,
Number = savedOrder.Quantity,
ProductId = 0,
ProductCode = savedOrder.ProductCode,
Notes = "Prepared for shipment"
await _daprClient.PublishEventAsync<DeliveryModel>("pubsub", "createdelivery", newDelivery, cts);
return newDelivery;
Adding DAPR dependency
<PackageReference Include="Dapr.AspNetCore" Version="1.9.0" />
Change method CreateDeliveryForOrder in OrderController to
private async Task<DeliveryModel> CreateDeliveryForOrder(EdiOrder savedOrder, CancellationToken cts)
var newDelivery = new DeliveryModel
Id = 0,
ClientId = savedOrder.ClientId,
EdiOrderId = savedOrder.Id,
Number = savedOrder.Quantity,
ProductId = 0,
ProductCode = savedOrder.ProductCode,
Notes = "Prepared for shipment"
await _daprClient.PublishEventAsync<DeliveryModel>("pubsubsbus", "createdelivery", newDelivery, cts);
return newDelivery;
And most importantly change double to decimal in Delivery model Number field
For TPaperDelivery project, update Startup class
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
And finally make a proper signature on ProcessEdiOrder endpoint
[Topic("pubsubsbus", "createdelivery")]
And add method to enumerate all stored deliveries
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(CancellationToken cts)
Delivery[] registeredDeliveries = await _context.Delivery.ToArrayAsync(cts);
return new OkObjectResult(registeredDeliveries);
And after all this changes we can deploye and observe results in Azure.
Additional tasks
- Return delivery model via additional pubsub to Order service, so we can update order entity with a proper delivery Id.
- adding multi revision app for zero downtime deployments
- Add a local pubsub via Rabbit MQ for debug purposes(optional), see the end of thid doc
- Add deployment via GitHub actions(optional)
- Load testing with
As our application grows, Container Apps might be not enough, so the essential migration path is to Azure Kubernetes Service
Spoiler. We will add Azure KeyVault in the next step and continue with abstracting it with DAPR component
First we need to add two secrets to the K8s manifest Service bus connection string and SQL server password
We will need to encode secrets with base64 via command line or online tool
You can check example conversion below
And so our final manifest will look like this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: sbus-secret
type: Opaque
connectionstring: RW5kcG9mVyeQ==
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: sql-secret
type: Opaque
password: U3Vg==
Lets start with CMD. !!!Use additional command az account set --subscription 95cd9078f8c to deploy resources into the correct subscription
az login
az account show
az acr login --name dccmodernregistry
az aks get-credentials --resource-group dcc-modern-cluster --name dcc-modern-cluster
kubectl config use-context dcc-modern-cluster
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
kubectl get ds ama-logs --namespace=kube-system
And initialize DAPR in our kubernetes cluster
dapr init -k
Validate results of initialization
dapr status -k
Then we will need to build our solution in release mode and observe results with command. We building containers trough Visual Studio and tagging them via command line You can also start docker desktop application for GUI container handling.
Lets see what images do we have with
docker images
Lets tag our newly built container with azure container registry name and version.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
Check results with
docker images
And push images to container registry
docker push
docker push
Now we need to update container version in orders manifest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: tpaperorders
namespace: tpaper
app: tpaperorders
replicas: 1
service: tpaperorders
app: tpaperorders
service: tpaperorders
annotations: "true" "tpaperorders" "80" debug
- name: tpaperorders
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
value: http://+:80
- name: SqlPaperString
value:,1433;Database=paperorders;User ID=FancyUser3;Encrypt=true;Connection Timeout=30;
- name: SqlPaperPassword
name: sql-secret
key: password
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: tpaperorders
namespace: tpaper
app: tpaperorders
service: tpaperorders
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
service: tpaperorders
And delivery manifest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: tpaperdelivery
namespace: tpaper
app: tpaperdelivery
replicas: 1
service: tpaperdelivery
app: tpaperdelivery
service: tpaperdelivery
annotations: "true" "tpaperdelivery" "80" debug
- name: tpaperdelivery
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
value: http://+:80
- name: SqlDeliveryString
value:,1433;Database=deliveries;User ID=FancyUser3;Encrypt=true;Connection Timeout=30;
- name: SqlPaperPassword
name: sql-secret
key: password
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: tpaperdelivery
namespace: tpaper
app: tpaperdelivery
service: tpaperdelivery
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
service: tpaperdelivery
But before deployment of our services we need to deploye secrets and pubsub DAPR component As you can see, the file is slightly different from Container Apps version
DAPR pubsub component
kind: Component
name: pubsub-super-new
namespace: tpaper
version: v1
- name: connectionString
name: sbus-secret
key: connectionstring
secretStore: kubernetes
- tpaperorders
- tpaperdeliver
Manifest to create a new namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: tpaper
name: tpaper
creation of the new namespace, so we can easily find our services
kubectl apply -f aks_namespace-tpaper.yaml
deployment of secrets and pubsub component
kubectl apply -f aks_secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f aks_pubsub-servicebus.yaml
Now we need to pray the "demo gods" for our deployment and run commands below
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
You can use set of commands below for quick container/publish re-deployments. Just change version in kubernetes manifest and commands below.
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
And now the most interesting part. Is to debug our application and make it work the proper way. For this we can use console and kubernetes container logs or Lens, The kubernetes IDE.
Let's check output of kubectl get all to get IP addresses of our services
Nothing works and no one knows why (c)
Adding here commands to watch container logs for reference, but for better understanding we will use Lens. You should get correct pod names from get all command and change log command accordingly.
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-599b8cd4b7-8nxzz daprd
kubectl logs tpaperdelivery-599b8cd4b7-8nxzz tpaperdelivery
Our containers crushed, so we need to figure this out :)
let's procced with cmd and kubectl
switching to the tpaper namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=tpaper
kubectl get all
now we can get detailed information about failed pod
kubectl describe pod/tpaperdelivery-7698f99cd5-2q9ml
It will be a lot of information, but if there are no exact details, we should check our service manifest and connected dependencies, like secrets
Quick check of our namespace tpaper via Lens show us that there are no secrets configured
And secrets configured for default namespace
So we need to add namespace to our secret yaml
name: sbus-secret
namespace: tpaper
type: Opaque
and deploy it again
kubectl apply -f aks_secrets.yaml
And then you can redeploy your containers, or simply restart deployment from Lens UI
And now it is much better, we have internal server exception with database migration and connectivity to SQL server
Let's fix it
There are two steps to do it via Azure Portal.
Kubernetes connectivity
- Navigate into resource group MC_dcc-modern-cluster_dcc-modern-cluster_northeurope
- Open Virtual network there
- Open Service endpoints and click add
- Select Microsoft.SQL from dropdown and select aks-vnet in the next dropdown.
- Add additional integration with Microsoft.ServiceBus
- Save it, update might take a few minutes
SQL Server connectivity.
- Navigate to the resource group - ms-action-dapr-data
- Open Sql Server ms-action-dapr
- Click Show Firewall
- On top click add client IP address, so you can access sql server from your work machine
- Click Add existing virtual network + Create new virtual network
- Add aks-vnet with a proper name(check name via AKS cluster group)
- Most important step - click Save in the portal UI
Now we can restart the order service, and if we will do kubectl describe command, we can see that deployment yaml have wrong container registry name.
So we fixing the name in aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml from
- name: tpaperorders
imagePullPolicy: Always
And applying deployment again via cmd
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
And quick invocation of delivery endpoint shows that everything is working
But when we try to create orders, we will get an error, no pubsub configured
The reason is that pubsub component in AKS have a different name in manifest, so we need to update it in Visual Studio and deploy services with V2 manifest update Let's change pubsub component name from pubsubsbus to pubsub-super-new, change topic name from createdelivery to aksdelivery, rebuild containers in VS, tag them with version 2, change manifest and deploy everything
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
Another possible error that you can encounter is the Error Connecting to subchannel, it means that something is wrong with DAPR sidecar
It means that DAPR sidecar container was not deployed with your service, you can check it via Lena or console like this or
If you are closely following this tutorial by yourself, there is a mistake in one of the manifests, and it can be easily fixed if you know about service discovery process.
! Make sure that dapr pubsub component deployed into the same namespace as services. ! Make sure that you changed service bus topic name in Visual Studio
- We created an Azure Key Vault with our infrastructure beforehand. But steps below included just in case.
The best way to go is to use the Managed identity approach, but it is messed up because old approach getting deprecated and new one is due in September 2023. The current documentation contains errors and not usable. This is also the reason why there is no connector in Container apps to Azure KeyVault
Create a service principal with a new certificate and store the 3-year certificate inside [your keyvault]'s certificate vault.
Note you can skip this step if you want to use an existing service principal for keyvault instead of creating new one
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $principalName --password "PSfdasitI1mPFaXD7A5duZEEZXe8r+lnoVbfxmRV" --years 3
"appId": "474f817c-7eba-4656-ae09-979a4bc8d844",
"displayName": "vaultadmin",
"password": null,
"tenant": "53e93ede-ec5b-4d7a-8376-48e080d23e88"
Save the both the appId and tenant from the output which will be used in the next step
- Set the AppId for the next script, and get id from output
az ad sp show --id 474f817c-7eba-4656-ae09-979a4bc8d844
"id": "f1d1a707-1356-4fb8-841b-98e1d9557b05",
- Grant the service principal the GET and List permissions to your Azure Key Vault by setting the id value to object id below
az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvaultName --object-id f1d1a707-1356-4fb8-841b-98e1d9557b05 --secret-permissions get list
and set a random secret, so we can get it from solution code
az keyvault secret set --name RandomSecret --vault-name $keyvaultName --value FancySecret
Now, your service principal has access to your keyvault, you are ready to configure the secret store component to use secrets stored in your keyvault to access other components securely.
Find your principal via Azure portal and add a new client secret value
encode it as base 64 via cmd or online
kubectl create secret generic azurekeyvault --from-literal=clientsecret='WExkOFF+RlNzLTFLR'
*generic secret would be available in all namespaces
Create aks_azurekeyvault-deploy.yaml component file
The component yaml refers to the Kubernetes secretstore using auth
property and secretKeyRef
refers to the certificate stored in Kubernetes secret store.
kind: Component
name: azurekeyvault
namespace: tpaper
version: v1
- name: vaultName
value: "dcc-modern"
- name: azureTenantId
value: "53e93ede-ec5b-4d7a-8376-48e080d23e88"
- name: azureClientId
value: "474f817c-7eba-4656-ae09-979a4bc8d844"
- name: azureClientSecret
name: azurekeyvault
key: clientsecret
secretStore: kubernetes
Apply azurekeyvault.yaml component
kubectl apply -f aks_azurekeyvault-deploy.yaml
Now we need to update code in Order service and deploye it with a new version
Dictionary<string, string> secrets = await _daprClient.GetSecretAsync("azurekeyvault", "RandomSecret");
string superSecret = secrets["RandomSecret"];
string responseMessage = $"Accepted EDI message {order.Id} and created delivery {savedDelivery?.Id} with super secret{superSecret}";
- Set a next version in manifest and command below before execution, check docker images command
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
Create a new order and check if your secret is available in the output.
In case your session to Azure or container registry is timed out, please login again.
az login
az account show
az acr login --name dccmodernregistry
kubectl config use-context dcc-modern-cluster
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=tpaper
kubectl get all
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq.yaml
kubectl apply -f aks_pubsub-rabbitmq.yaml
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
Also we will add Application insights instrumentation for our project
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore" Version="2.21.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Kubernetes" Version="3.1.0" />
and configure it the old way with instrumentation key, you can also do this with connection string
then we need to rebuild solution and deploy updates
The section below can be used for logging outside of Azure platform
kubectl apply -f otel-collector-conf.yaml
kubectl apply -f collector-config.yaml
docker tag tpaperorders:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperorders-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
docker tag tpaperdelivery:latest
docker images
docker push
kubectl apply -f aks_tpaperdelivery-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
We intentionally skipped RabbitMQ local host setup, and this activity can be done via extra task By intalling and running the local container
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3