
🚀 How to build a Dockerized RESTful API application using Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Learning Cloud Native Go - myapp

🌱 Cloud Native Application Development is one way of speeding up the building of web applications using microservices, containers, and orchestration tools.

This repository shows how to build a Dockerized RESTful API application in Go for a simple bookshelf.

🔋 Batteries included

  • The idiomatic structure based on the resource-oriented design.
  • The usage of Docker, Docker compose, Alpine images, and linters on development.
  • Healthcheck and CRUD API implementations with OpenAPI specifications.
  • The usage of Goose for the database migrations and GORM as the database ORM.
  • The usage of Zerolog as the centralized Syslog logger.
  • The usage of Validator.v10 as the form validator.
  • The usage of GitHub actions to run tests and linters, generate OpenAPI specifications, and build and push production images to the Docker registry.

🚀 Endpoints

Name HTTP Method Route
Health GET /livez
List Books GET /v1/books
Create Book POST /v1/books
Read Book GET /v1/books/{id}
Update Book PUT /v1/books/{id}
Delete Book DELETE /v1/books/{id}

💡 swaggo/swag : swag init -g cmd/api/main.go -o .swagger -ot yaml

🗄️ Database design

Column Name Datatype Not Null Primary Key
title TEXT
author TEXT
published_date DATE
image_url TEXT
description TEXT
created_at TIMESTAMP
updated_at TIMESTAMP
deleted_at TIMESTAMP

📦 Container image sizes

  • DB: 241MB
  • API
    • Development environment: 655MB
    • Production environment: 28MB ; 💡docker build -f prod.Dockerfile . -t myapp_app

📁 Project structure

├── cmd
│  ├── api
│  │  └── main.go
│  └── migrate
│     └── main.go
├── api
│  ├── router
│  │  └── router.go
│  │
│  └── resource
│     ├── health
│     │  └── handler.go
│     ├── book
│     │  ├── api.go
│     │  ├── handler.go
│     │  ├── model.go
│     │  └── repository.go
│     └── common
│        └── err
│           └── err.go
├── migrations
│  └── 00001_create_books_table.sql
├── config
│  └── config.go
├── util
│  ├── logger
│  │  └── logger.go
│  └── validator
│     └── validator.go
├── .env
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── prod.Dockerfile
└── k8s
   ├── app-configmap.yaml
   ├── app-secret.yaml
   ├── app-deployment.yaml
   └── app-service.yaml

📸 Form validations and logs

Form validation

Logs in app init Logs in crud