
An example project with detailed documentation created to show how to build large and maintanable projects in laravel/php and use design patterns like decorator, iterator, proxy etc.

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Large Laravel - how to build large and maintainable projects with Laravel framework

Welcome to Large Laravel


If you programmed with Laravel and PHP you are really pleased how clean Laravel's code is and how simple it is to create apps with Laravel framework. But later you understand that Laravel does not suit well for large scale projects for a few reasons: Laravel uses lots of magic methods and facades which makes it very hard to refactor your code as IDEs understand Laravel's code pretty poorly.

But Laravel has pretty good infrastructure (routing, caching, logging etc.) and it has really good community and lots of ready-made packages. And that's why it was decided to adopt Laravel for large and maintainable apps by starting this project.

Also, it would be great to share with the community how design patterns may be used in Laravel projects.

Goals of the project

Goals of this project include:

  • codebase must be easy to maintain and scale
  • code must be easy to refactor
  • an IDE should provide good autocomplete with minimal setup
  • use as few magic methods as possible, even better to remove them at all
  • if possible, make code independent on a framework
  • not to use Eloquent relationships, as they make code hard to refactor and maintain

Installation guide

For running the project you must have PHP 7.4.2. To run the project, create an empty database. Then just do the following:

git clone https://github.com/stasyanko/laravel-large-project.git
cd laravel-large-project
cp .env.example .env

In .env file type your database credentials in these lines:


After that, run these commands from terminal:

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate

Main Components & Ideas

In this part main components, ideas and design principles are explained in detail.

Design patterns used for the project

In this project DTOs are used for transfering data between objects and thanks to PHP 7.4 typed properties we can construct DTOs without annotations. Thanks to the author of this article and spatie for their package.

The following design patterns were used to build this project:

  • data transfer object
  • proxy
  • porto
  • decorator
  • iterator


Actions are used to encapsulate business logic and must be used only from controllers.


Subactions are used to extract business logic that needs to be reused in other containers. Well, initially it is recommended to use tasks for that in porto pattern, but in most cases you don't need so much flexibility, also writing actions + tasks makes your process of writing code much slower.

Interaction with database

Eloquent does not suit for large scale projects as it uses lots of magic under the hood. In order to scale your codebase, you need to either wrap Eloquent in some abstraction, or replace it with something like Doctrine ORM. In the current project Eloquent is wrapped in a class called Proxy, e.g. BookEloquentProxy. Often developers call it Repository when wrapping Eloquent with something, but it is a mistake, as Repository assumes the following according to Edward Hieatt and Rob Mee:

Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects.

But developers often call their abstraction like UserEloquentRepository, but according to the definition above Repository shouldn't know anything about the way the data is stored. So, it would be better better to call this abstraction Proxy. According to Wikipedia Proxy pattern does the following:

In short, a proxy is a wrapper or agent object that is being called by the client to access the real serving object behind the scenes.

Collections of DTOs and typed collections

After we get data from some EloquentProxy, for example BookEloquentProxy, we need to convert this data to collection of DTOs:

public function execute(PaginateRequestInterface $paginateRequest): BookCollection  
    $bookCollection = [];  
    $bookList = $this->bookEloquentProxy->findAll(  
    foreach ($bookList as $book) {  
        $bookCollection[] = new BookDTO($book);  
    return new BookCollection(...$bookCollection);  

This approach is good for two reasons: we have a typed collection and we can refactor easily both every entity of a collection, and a collection itself. Also, we can typehint BookCollection when passing it as a param:

public function fromCollection(BookCollection $bookCollection): array  
    $mappedCollection = [];  

    foreach ($bookCollection as $bookDTO) {  
        $mappedCollection[] = [  
            // any IDE will provide autocomplete here 
            // without any additional packages like IDE helper for Laravel
            'id' => $bookDTO->id,  
            'title' => $bookDTO->title,  
    return $this->wrapResponse($mappedCollection);  

Also, you get really independent on Eloquent, as you don't use generic Eloquent collections, instead you use collections of DTOs and you can easily replace your data source with any other ORM, API etc. without breaking your code.

Entity relations

Eloquent relations should not be used in a large project, as they make your code even more unmaintainable. Refactoring gets almost impossible with Eloquent relations, so instead put your related collection (has many/many to many relations) or DTO (has one) to your desired DTO:

class BookDTO extends DataTransferObject
  public int $id;
  // .... some other properties
  // these are comments related to BookDTO
  public CommentCollection $comments


Decorators are really great, as they allow you to extend an object's behaviour in a really OOP way. What would you do if you nedded to log the value of your action, e.g. list of books? Well, we often see this recommendation:

public function execute(PaginateRequestInterface $paginateRequest): BookCollection  
   $bookCollection = [];  
   // some code here

   Log::info('get ' . count($bookCollection) . 'books');

   return new BookCollection(...$bookCollection);  

But what did we do right now? We broke here open closed principle. Our code must be open for extension, but closed for modification. By inserting Log::info() to execute() method, we modified it, instead of extending. Also, our object now does more than one thing: it fectches books and logs the result.

How can we do it in a OOP way? Decorators to the rescue! In a Laravel service container we decorate our action before binding it to our interface:

public function register()  
  $bookListAction = new GetBookListAction(new BookEloquentProxy());  
  $bookListActionLogged = new GetBookListActionLogger($bookListAction);  
  $this->app->bind(GetBookListActionInterface::class, function ($app) use($bookListActionLogged) {  
    return $bookListActionLogged;  

As GetBookListActionLogger implements GetBookListActionInterface, it can be easily bound to this in a service container and in this case we extended GetBookListAction instead of modifying it. We can add as many decorators as we like and everything will work fine.

API resources

API resources are used to transform API responses. Sometimes, you need to convert some field into another type and hide some fields. Every API resource must extend ApiResource and implement its own interface:


namespace LargeLaravel\Containers\Book\UI\API\Resources;

use LargeLaravel\Containers\Book\Collections\BookCollection;
use LargeLaravel\Containers\Book\UI\API\Resources\Interfaces\BookListResourceInterface;
use LargeLaravel\Ship\Abstracts\Resources\ApiResource;

class BookListResource extends ApiResource implements BookListResourceInterface
  public function fromCollection(BookCollection $bookCollection): array
    $mappedCollection = [];

    foreach ($bookCollection as $bookDTO) {
        $mappedCollection[] = [
            'id' => $bookDTO->id,
            'title' => $bookDTO->title,

    return $this->wrapResponse($mappedCollection);

View composers


Laravel artisan commands

Some classes of Laravel in the project are moved to Ship folder and some artisan commands are run with additional options.


To seed database run db:seed like this with option --class:

php artisan db:seed --class '\LargeLaravel\Ship\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder'

Your custom seeders must be in the Data folder of the proper container, e.g. Containers/User/Data/Seeders/UserSeeder.


  • move console, http kernels to Ship folder
  • move RouteServiceProvider to Ship folder
  • make interface Filter which is implemented by every Where class
  • write installation guide
  • write tests
  • write documentation in readme with all design patterns and principles used
  • deploy to Heroku
  • add CI/CD