query about conditionTest significant genes
EH0234 opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi TradeSeq team,
I have a dataset from slingshot with three lineages and 3 conditions. I ran fitGAM, associationTest and conditionTest as follows:
batch <- colData(sce)$orig.ident
U <- model.matrix(~batch)
sce <- fitGAM(sce, verbose=TRUE, genes = PSEUDOTIME_GENES$gene , conditions = factor(colData(sce)$disease), U = U)
rowData(sce)$assocRes <- associationTest(sce, lineages = TRUE)
RES1 <- conditionTest(sce ,global = TRUE, pairwise = TRUE, l2fc = 0, eigenThresh = 0.01, lineages = TRUE)
The conditionTest output gave the results of three comparisons per lineage as expected: pvalue_lineage1_conds1vs2, pvalue_lineage1_conds2vs3, pvalue_lineage1_conds1vs3 etc. but when I visualise the smoothed expression patterns of genes with an adjusted p value <0.05 for conds2vs3 & >=0.05 for the other comparisons (middle heatmap), it seems that these genes are more different in conds1. The conds1vs2 and conds1vs3 significant genes seem to be OK (outer heatmaps). Shown are results for lineage 1, but the other lineages show a similar phenomenon.
Hi @EH0234
Could you please expand on what the heatmaps are showing? What are the cells colored by and what are the different panels representing?
You may be seeing unexpected results when plotting heatmaps for each condition, while also scaling the expression for each condition separately, which would effectively eliminate any mean difference between conditions. Scaling the expression over all conditions could help, if you are not doing that.
If unsure about the results for specific genes, you may also want to take a look at visualizing using plotSmoothers
Hi @koenvandenberge ,
Thank you for the reply. I think I figured out the issue. It seems to be due to incorrect labelling of the smoothed expression values in the predictSmooth output when tidy = FALSE. When tidy = TRUE the same values are labelled differently. See below using one gene as an example:
predictSmooth <- predictSmooth(sce, gene = "ENSG00000170458" , nPoints = 10, tidy = FALSE)
predictSmooth_TIDY <- predictSmooth(sce, gene = "ENSG00000170458" , nPoints = 10, tidy = TRUE)
predictSmooth <- as.data.frame(t(predictSmooth))
lineage1_conditionCD_point1 1.3269963
lineage1_conditionCD_point2 3.4646428
lineage1_conditionCD_point3 7.4538497
lineage1_conditionCD_point4 10.8885394
lineage1_conditionCD_point5 9.1457271
lineage1_conditionCD_point6 6.8768231
lineage1_conditionCD_point7 4.1079422
lineage1_conditionCD_point8 1.6439890
lineage1_conditionCD_point9 0.7330838
lineage1_conditionCD_point10 0.4328705
lineage2_conditionCD_point1 0.6720436
lineage2_conditionCD_point2 1.8392069
lineage2_conditionCD_point3 4.0874128
lineage2_conditionCD_point4 5.9901264
lineage2_conditionCD_point5 4.8021526
lineage2_conditionCD_point6 2.8344472
lineage2_conditionCD_point7 1.2260979
lineage2_conditionCD_point8 0.4065247
lineage2_conditionCD_point9 0.1815357
lineage2_conditionCD_point10 0.1246889
lineage time condition gene yhat
1 1 0.000000 CD ENSG00000170458 1.3269963
2 1 2.028928 CD ENSG00000170458 3.4646428
3 1 4.057855 CD ENSG00000170458 7.4538497
4 1 6.086783 CD ENSG00000170458 10.8885394
5 1 8.115711 CD ENSG00000170458 9.1457271
6 1 10.144638 CD ENSG00000170458 6.8768231
7 1 12.173566 CD ENSG00000170458 4.1079422
8 1 14.202493 CD ENSG00000170458 1.6439890
9 1 16.231421 CD ENSG00000170458 0.7330838
10 1 18.260349 CD ENSG00000170458 0.4328705
11 1 0.000000 Healthy ENSG00000170458 0.6720436
12 1 2.029447 Healthy ENSG00000170458 1.8392069
13 1 4.058894 Healthy ENSG00000170458 4.0874128
14 1 6.088341 Healthy ENSG00000170458 5.9901264
15 1 8.117788 Healthy ENSG00000170458 4.8021526
16 1 10.147235 Healthy ENSG00000170458 2.8344472
17 1 12.176682 Healthy ENSG00000170458 1.2260979
18 1 14.206130 Healthy ENSG00000170458 0.4065247
19 1 16.235577 Healthy ENSG00000170458 0.1815357
20 1 18.265024 Healthy ENSG00000170458 0.1246889
In predictSmooth, the second 10 spline points are labelled as ‘lineage2_condition CD’ whereas these same values are labelled as healthy, lineage1 in predictSmooth_TIDY.
I think predictSmooth_TIDY has the correct labels.
The heatmaps above represent smoothed expression values derived from the predictSmooth output when tidy = FALSE and should represent conds1 (CD), conds2(Healthy), conds3 (UC) based upon the labels from this output, but I think those labels are incorrect, hence the unexpected patterns when visualizing the differentially expressed genes.
Do you agree?
Thank you for sharing this, this indeed makes sense based on your output.
I will look into this ASAP and get back to you.
This should now be fixed. Thanks very much for reporting this, your efforts helped us in improving the package.
Feel free to reopen if you believe something is still off.
would it be possible to retain the original names of whatever condition1vscondition2 represents in the output of conditionTest? my code chunk is as follows: fit.mod=fitGAM(counts = sce, sce=T,condition=factor(colData(sce)$group), nknots = 6, verbose = T, parallel=TRUE, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
conditionTest(fit.mod ,pairwise = TRUE, l2fc = 2, eigenThresh = 0.01, lineages = TRUE)
, i do not see any argument in conditionTest() which allows retaining what condition1 etc. or which group each condition represents in the output.
Hi @koenvandenberge ,
My code is as follows:
sce_markers <- fitGAM(sce, verbose=TRUE, conditions = factor(colData(sce)$disease), genes = genes, U = U)
Fitting lineages with multiple conditions. This method has been tested on a couple of datasets, but is still in an experimental phase.
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed=30s
Warning messages:
1: In asMethod(object) :
sparse->dense coercion: allocating vector of size 2.9 GiB
2: In .findKnots(nknots, pseudotime, wSamp) :
Impossible to place a knot at all endpoints.Increase the number of knots to avoid this issue.
ConditionTest_markers <- conditionTest(sce_markers ,global = TRUE, pairwise = TRUE, l2fc = 0, eigenThresh = 0.01, lineages = TRUE)
[1] "CD" "Healthy" "UC"
[1] "waldStat" "df" "pvalue" "waldStat_lineage1_conds1vs2"
[5] "df_lineage1_conds1vs2" "pvalue_lineage1_conds1vs2" "waldStat_lineage1_conds1vs3" "df_lineage1_conds1vs3"
[9] "pvalue_lineage1_conds1vs3" "waldStat_lineage1_conds2vs3" "df_lineage1_conds2vs3" "pvalue_lineage1_conds2vs3"
[13] "waldStat_lineage2_conds1vs2" "df_lineage2_conds1vs2" "pvalue_lineage2_conds1vs2" "waldStat_lineage2_conds1vs3"
[17] "df_lineage2_conds1vs3" "pvalue_lineage2_conds1vs3" "waldStat_lineage2_conds2vs3" "df_lineage2_conds2vs3"
[21] "pvalue_lineage2_conds2vs3" "waldStat_lineage3_conds1vs2" "df_lineage3_conds1vs2" "pvalue_lineage3_conds1vs2"
[25] "waldStat_lineage3_conds1vs3" "df_lineage3_conds1vs3" "pvalue_lineage3_conds1vs3" "waldStat_lineage3_conds2vs3"
[29] "df_lineage3_conds2vs3" "pvalue_lineage3_conds2vs3"
Does that answer your question?