
problem output assoress lineage = TRUE which column correspond to what

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Capture d’écran 2024-01-08 à 18 38 20

The p-value go until -6

I would like to have some explanation

I run fitgam and assoress as followed on a data set containing
class: SlingshotDataSet
lineages: 6
curves: 6

assocRes <- associationTest(sce, lineages = TRUE, l2fc = log2(2))

I do not get the output of assores which column correspond to which lineage?

Thanks for your help

I believe columns containing '_1' in their names correspond to lineage 1, and '_2' lineage 2, and so on.

I believe columns containing '_1' in their names correspond to lineage 1, and '_2' lineage 2, and so on.

So what are the 3 first columns containing no _number?


Hi @A-legac45

The first three columns containing no number are tests performed across all lineages, so-called global or omnibus tests. We describe this in detail in our manuscript as well.