Predicting Absolute and Relative Abundance by Modeling Efficiency to Derive Intervals and Concentrations
- 3
Questions about Paramedic
#17 opened by ChristopherBurgess-USDA - 3
Package install failure
#16 opened by invertdna - 2
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘extract’ for signature ‘"paramedic"
#15 opened by chnpenny - 3
Website isn't available
#13 opened by llrs - 0
Migrate to
#14 opened by bdwilliamson - 2
can not set n_chains
#12 opened by LoreMJ - 3
Errors when running `run_paramedic` on a subset smaller than # of qPCR species
#9 opened by roey-angel - 1
check rows/columns aren't incorrectly matched
#8 opened by adw96 - 2
make example dataset more realistic
#6 opened by adw96 - 1
tests fail
#7 opened by adw96 - 7
centred vs non-centred parameterisation?
#3 opened by adw96 - 1
renaming to reflect general problem
#4 opened by adw96 - 4
rename parameters to match manuscript
#5 opened by adw96 - 1
- 1
renaming paramedic::paramedic
#2 opened by adw96