
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sylius Standard Edition

This is Sylius Standard Edition repository for starting new projects.


Sylius is the first decoupled eCommerce platform based on Symfony and Doctrine. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and exceptional flexibility make it the best solution for application tailored to your business requirements. Enjoy being an eCommerce Developer again!

Powerful REST API allows for easy integrations and creating unique customer experience on any device.

We're using full-stack Behavior-Driven-Development, with phpspec and Behat


Documentation is available at docs.sylius.com.


Requirements Server instance with at least 2048 MB of memory. Nginx or Apache. In this guide, we use Nginx. PHP version 7.2 or greater with some specific PHP extensions: gd, exif, fileinfo, intl PHP configuration settings: memory_limit equal to or greater than 1024M, date.timezone MySQL version 5.7 or 8.0 Composer Node.js Yarn

Follow guide: https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-install-sylius-ecommerce-platform-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts https://tecnstuff.net/how-to-install-composer-on-ubuntu-18-04/

$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
$ composer update
$ php composer.phar create-project sylius/sylius-standard project
$ cd project


Sylius uses environment variables to configure the connection with database and mailer services. You can look up the default values in .env file and customise them by creating .env.local with variables you want to override. For example, if you want to change your database name from the default sylius_%kernel.environment% to my_custom_sylius_database, the contents of that new file should look like the following snippet:

$ DATABASE_URL=mysql://username:password@host/my_custom_sylius_database

After everything is in place, run the following command to install Sylius:

$ php bin/console sylius:install
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ wget https://get.symfony.com/cli/installer -O - | bash
$ mv /home/mapiful/.symfony/bin/symfony /usr/local/bin/symfony


$ symfony server:start -d
$ open


If something goes wrong, errors & exceptions are logged at the application level:

$ tail -f var/log/prod.log
$ tail -f var/log/dev.log

If you are using the supplied Vagrant development environment, please see the related Troubleshooting guide for more information.

Timezones https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.europe.php

BitBag SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin

Install Elasticsearch


Follow BitBag SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin


$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php bin/console sylius:fixtures:load
$ php bin/console fos:elastica:populate

Clear cache sudo php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod


Vue Storefront Default theme (please consider vsf-capybara instead)

🎉 Current status: Production ready

The design

This theme is basic template of typical eCommerce for a fashion industry. In the project we used Material Icons.

Vue Storefront - Annimations in sidebar menu

Here you can read more about the process of designing PWA for eCommerce.

The design is available in open source in the Figma file format under the URL https://www.figma.com/file/VKyqbHFI55TKIKcQlFLiVpVF/Vue-Storefront-Open-Source.

Browser Compatibility

  • last 2 Chrome versions
  • last 2 Firefox versions
  • last 2 Edge versions
  • modern browsers

🔌 Installation

To be able to use new Default theme in your Vue Storefront installation, you need to:

  1. Install lerna globally:

    npm install -g lerna


    yarn global add lerna
  2. Configure vsf-default repository as a git submodule in theme path of your Vue Storefront workspace, and then track master branch:

    git submodule add -b master git@github.com:DivanteLtd/vsf-default.git src/themes/default
  3. Fetch all the data:

    git submodule update --init --remote
  4. Update Vue Storefront configuration by copying local.json file from vsf-default to root config directory.

  5. Update TypeScript compiler option in tsconfig.json in root directory: change value for compilerOptions.paths.theme/* from default theme ["src/themes/default/*"] to brand new Default theme: ["src/themes/default/*"].

  6. Download all dependencies and start development server:

    lerna bootstrap && yarn dev
  7. That’s all! Now after opening your development server (http://localhost:3000 by default) you should see Vue Storefront with Default theme! 🎉

MIT License

Sylius is completely free and released under the MIT License.


Sylius was originally created by Paweł Jędrzejewski. See the list of contributors from our awesome community.