
fittr mobile web app

Primary LanguageCSS


Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status Built with Grunt

Fittr allows you to compare your fitness metrics to the world. Using the data from many popular trackers like Fitbit. Your metrics are collected and are used to compete with other users. Fittr was built with the MEAN Stack (MongoDB | ExpressJS | AngularJS | NodeJS). We also used the Ionic Framework v0.9.20 to give the application a more native feel.

You can demo the app here.

App Screenshot 1 App Screenshot 2
App Screenshot 1 App Screenshot 2


  • Node.js - Download and install Node.js
  • MongoDB - Download and install MongoDB and make sure you're running on the default port (27017)


  1. NPM - Package manager that comes with Node.js
  2. Bower - Package manager, easy to install with npm
  • npm install -g bower
  1. Grunt - Task Runner, easy to install with npm
  • npm install -g grunt


Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/Fittr/fittr.git

The best way to get started with Fittr is to
install node modules and bower dependencies with npm install
start mongoDB in a seperate terminal window or tab mongod
in mongo use the command use app to change to the correct db
Fittr does not include the required file that holds your Fitbit app data, to include, just make a
new file named auth.coffee in the config folder You must now paste the following code in and then fill in your Fitbit app secrets

module.exports =
    consumerKey: '*Your fitbit consumer key here*'
    consumerSecret: '*Your fitbit consumer secret here*'
    callbackURL:  '*Your fitbit callback URL here*'

Next run the command grunt serve. This will lint and compile the coffeescript files, and start up server on localhost:3000.

Bootstrap Fittr

After signing up and populating your DB with users, you must run nodemon app/coffee/config/worker.coffee
to query the DB, select all users tokens and retrieve the user's info and data from
worker.coffee will update all users' data from yesterday from fitbit. Use a cron job
to place the worker on a schedule, run the worker.

To Do

  • Add more quantified self devices/services
  • Add groups and challenges features
  • UI overhaul


Fittr was built by Mehul Patel, Scott Moss, David Wu, Wayne Montague, and Santiago Archila as a student project at Hack Reactor
