
Statful client for Vertx applications. This client is intended to gather metrics and send them to Statful.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Statful Client for Vert.x

Build Status

Statful client for Vert.x written in Java. This client enables pushing custom metrics as well as metrics collection for Vert.x based projects and sends them to Statful.

This client leverages the capabilities provided by Vert.x SPI to collect metrics.

Please check the project’s pom.xml file to see the current Vert.x version dependency since we always aim to support the latest stable version.

Table of Contents

Supported Versions

Statful Client version Tested Java versions Tested Vert.x versions
1.x.x Java 8 3.4.2


This client has the following requirement:

Quick Start

Add the client to the project dependencies:


Vert.x handles the creation of the Metrics Service Provider Interface (SPI).

From this point, you can set up the client in two ways, programmatically or by using a configuration file.


Create an instance of StatfulMetricsOptions and set all the desired parameters. Use the configured instance as an argument for VertxOptions when creating the Vertx instance.

Set the StatfulMetricsFactoryImpl factory to be used by the Metrics SPI.


StatfulMetricsOptions options = new StatfulMetricsOptions()
        .setFactory(new StatfulMetricsFactoryImpl());
VertxOptions vertxOptions = new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(options);
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(vertxOptions);

When using a custom Launcher that implements the VertxLifecycleHooks interface, it’s expected of the user to override the beforeStartingVertx method.


public void beforeStartingVertx(VertxOptions options) {
    options.setMetricsOptions(new StatfulMetricsOptions()
            .setFactory(new StatfulMetricsFactoryImpl()));

Configuration File

You need to provide two parameters when launching your application, one to enable metrics and another to set the configuration file. Enabling metrics triggers Vertx to init the metrics system which will then read the configuration file.


-Dvertx.metrics.options.enabled=true -Dvertx.metrics.options.configPath=config/statful.json

The configuration file is a simple JSON document, like the sample shown below:

  "host": "api.statful.com",
  "port": 443,
  "transport": "HTTP",
  "httpMetricsPath": "/tel/v2.0/metrics",
  "secure": true,
  "app": "application",
  "dryrun": false,
  "sampleRate": 100,
  "namespace": "namespace",
  "timerAggregations": [
  "counterAggregations": [],
  "timerFrequency": "FREQ_10",
  "enabled": true,
  "http-server-url-patterns": [
      "pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}",
      "replacement": "_uuid_"
  "http-server-ignore-url-patterns": [
  "collectors": {
    "pool": true,
    "httpClient": false,
    "httpServer": true


The following section presents detailed information on the available options for setup in the configuration parameters.

Global Configurations

Option Description Type Default Required
host Defines the hostname to where the metrics are sent. string api.statful.com NO
port Defines the port to where the metrics are sent. string 443 NO
secure Enables or disables https. boolean true NO
timeout Defines the timeout for http transport, in milliseconds.

Not yet supported.
number 2000 NO
token Defines the token used to match incoming data to Statful. string none YES
app Defines the application's global name. When specified, it sets a global tag like app=setValue. string none NO
dryRun Defines if metrics should be output to the logger instead of being sent to Statful (useful for testing/debugging purposes). boolean false NO
tags Object for setting the global tags. object {} NO
sampleRate Defines the rate sampling.

It should be a number between [1, 100].
number 100 NO
namespace Defines the global namespace. A prefix could be set if the user sends metrics through Statful. string application NO
flushSize Defines the maximum buffer size before performing a flush. number 10 NO
flushInterval Defines an interval to periodically flush the buffer based on time. number 30000 NO
maxBufferSize Defines how many metrics at max are kept in the buffer between forced flushes. number 5000 NO

Statful's Configurations Specific to Vert.x

Option Description Type Default Required
enabled Enables or disables the client. boolean true NO
timerAggregations Defines the aggregations to apply to timer-based metrics. string [Aggregation.AVG, Aggregation.P90, Aggregation.COUNT] NO
counterAggregations Defines the aggregations to apply to counter-based metrics. string [Aggregation.COUNT, Aggregation.SUM] NO
counterFrequency Defines the aggregation frequency for counter-based metrics. string [AggregationFreq.FREQ_10] NO
gaugeAggregations Defines the aggregations to apply to gauge-based metrics. string [Aggregation.LAST, Aggregation.MAX, Aggregation.AVG] NO
gaugeFrequency Defines the aggregation frequency for gauge-based metrics. string [AggregationFreq.FREQ_10] NO
http-server-url-patterns Defines patterns to transform URLs for metrics collection. string none NO
http-server-ignore-url-patterns Defines patterns of URLs that you don't want to be tracked. string none NO
gauge-reporting-interval Defines the value for gauge reporting in milliseconds. number 5000 NO
httpMetricsPath Defines the path to send metrics when the http transport is set. string /tel/v2.0/metrics NO
transport Defines the transport type to use when sending metrics to Statful.

Valid Transports:UDP, HTTP
string HTTP NO

To disable aggregations for a type of metric, set the value of the aggregations' configuration to an empty list.

Metric collectors

To enable metric collection, you must set the option with the flags of the available collectors.

Option Description Type Default Required
collectors Object to employ metric collectors. object none NO

List of available collectors:

Option Description Type Default Required
pool Enables the collection of metrics from application pools. boolean false NO
httpClient Enables the collection of metrics from http clients. boolean false NO
httpServer Enables the collection of metrics from http servers. boolean false NO


Custom Metrics

To save custom metrics, send a message to the eventBus such as:

EventBus eventBus = vertx.eventBus();
    new CustomMetric.Builder()
        .withMetricName(getMetric()) // String
        .withValue(getValue()) // long
        .withTimestamp(getTimestamp()) // EpochSecond

A CustomMetricsConsumer subscribes to the CustomMetricsConsumer.ADDRESS and is responsible for saving the metrics to the in-memory buffer.

Only the metricName and value are required for a valid metric. Please refer to the CustomMetric class for more details.

Metrics Collection

Http Client

Track the time that takes to execute each request and its response status code. Currently, the connection time is not reported.

To identify a request that you want to track, add a request header to that request. The pattern used to recognize and extract the request header is Tags.TRACK_HEADER, where its value (of the header) should be set to the desired value at the com/statful/tag/Tags.java file.

Http Server

By default, all requests are tracked. To ignore a path, configure a regex that matches that path. For instance, to ignore a request that starts with /static apply the following configuration:

"http-server-ignore-url-patterns": [

URLs are used as tag values. To avoid creating tags with IDs, or any other unexpected identifier from your URLs, you can configure the transformation regex to be applied. Here’s an example of how to remove UUIDs from the URLs on a restful API:

"http-server-url-patterns": [
    "pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}",
    "replacement": "_uuid_"

This configuration transforms:




Please keep in mind that any regex will be applied to all existing URLs so, the more regex there are to be applied, the heavier the execution will be.


It’s possible to track Vertx ConnectionPool usage metrics.


The current implementation has the following limitation:

  • It does not support http2 metrics introduced by Vert.x version 3.3.0.


Mindera - Software Craft


Statful's Vert.x Client is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.