
An async web crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Async Web Crawler

An async Python web crawler.

Local environment


In a virtual env:

pip install -r requirements.txt

(or pip-sync if you have pip-tools)

Run crawler

cd to the root directory and:

./run_crawler.py https://github.com

Run tests

cd to the root directory and:



Unfortunately, because of an issue with aiohttp/python, as mentioned here, the code that is reponsible for making the get requests might fail on machines that do not have a Python version of 3.7.4 and higher. For taht case, I have included a docker file and some commands where that you can use to run the crawler and the tests inside docker, using a Python 3.8 image.


  1. Install Docker.
  2. From the root directory, run:
docker build -t crawler .

Run crawler

docker run crawler python run_crawler.py https://github.com

Run tests

docker run crawler python -m pytest tests/

ssh into the container

If you need to ssh into the container to check what is there, like the crawler resuls file, you can do:

docker run -it crawler /bin/sh