
A Python module to parse Daylio exports

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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A Python module to parse Daylio CSV exports.


Install poetry, tox and tox-poetry.

Installing the virtual env:

$ poetry install

Switching into the venv:

$ poetry shell

Running test for the current python version:

$ pytest -v --cov=daylio_parser --cov-report term-missing tests

Running all checks with tox prior to running GitHub actions:

$ tox


  • Parse CSV into entries (parser.py)
  • Implement MoodConfig (config.py) to allow multiple moods
    • Plus a default config for clean Daylio installs
  • Stats
    • Mood stability algorithm
    • Average moods by day
    • Average mood by activity
    • Find mood periods — aka periods of moods meeting certain criteria
    • Extend mood period search — search above, below and in between thresholds
  • Prepare data for plotting
    • Splitting entries into bands
    • Interpolating data for smooth charts
    • Calculating rolling mean
  • Re-export data into other formats
    • JSON