
Asynchronous Arlo Component for Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


2FA Support

This release contains beta 2FA support. It works by requesting an email with the one-time code and then making an IMAP connection to your email provider and reading the code from the email Arlo sends.

There is a lot that can go wrong with this - for starters, I've only tested it in English - but to get it working add the following configuration (with the correct values obviously) - to aarlo:

  tfa_host: imap.gmail.com
  tfa_username: your.email.account@gmail.com
  tfa_password: roygbiv

For gmail users, the following help is useful.

Finally, if you haven't enabled 2FA you don't need to do this.

Notice of Future Breaking Changes

The custom services are moving into the aarlo domain.

This release moves all the component services in the aarlo domain. This is their correct location and allows Home Assistant to use the component's services.yaml file to provide help with the services.

To allow you to transition and test your scripts the old, incorrectly located, services will remain for a while. My plan is to remove them in a few months. If you move all your code over to the new services you can add the hide_deprecated_services option to your configuration to hide these old services.

See Services for more information.

Table of Contents


Aarlo is an Asynchronous Arlo component for Home Assistant, it uses the Arlo Website APIs and supports base stations, cameras, lights and doorbells.

Aarlo is based on the original Arlo component and it can operate as replacement with minimal configuration changes.

Aarlo also provides a custom Lovelace Card, which overlays a camera's last snapshot with its current status and allows access to the cameras recording library and live streaming.


Aarlo provides:

  • Access to cameras, base stations, sirens, doorbells and lights.
  • Asynchronous, almost immediate, notification of motion, sound and button press events.
  • Ability to view library recordings, take snapshots and direct stream from cameras.
  • Tracking of environmental stats from certain base station types.
  • Special switches to trip alarms and take snapshots from cameras.
  • Enhanced state notifications.
  • Media player support for select devices.


This document assumes you are familiar with Home Assistant setup and configuration.

Wherever you see /config in this documenent it refers to your Home Assistant configuration directory. For example, for my installation it's /home/steve/ha which is mapped to /config by my docker container.


Many thanks to:

  • Pyarlo and Arlo for doing all the hard work figuring the API out and the free Python lesson!

  • sseclient for reading from the event stream

  • Button Card for a working lovelace card I could understand

  • JetBrains for the excellent PyCharm IDE and providing me with an open source license to speed up the project development.





Aarlo is part of the default HACS store. If you're not interested in development branches this is the easiest way to install.


Copy the aarlo directory into your /config/custom_components directory.

From Script

Run the install script. Run it once to make sure the operations look sane and run it a second time with the go paramater to do the actual work. If you update just rerun the script, it will overwrite all installed files.

install /config
# check output looks good
install go /config


Moving From Arlo

You can replace all instances of arlo with aarlo in your Home Assistant configuration files to start using Aarlo. The following sections detail new configuration items you can use to add extra functionality to your new Aarlo component.

You can also run Arlo and Aarlo side by side but you will need to create an Aarlo specific login.

Creating a Login

If you are replacing the original Arlo component you don't need to do this step.

Aarlo needs a dedicated Aarlo login. If you try to reuse an existing login - for example, the login from the Arlo app on your phone - the app and this component will constantly fight to login.

When you have created the Aarlo login, from your original Arlo account grant access to any devices you want to share and give the Aarlo user admin access.

Main Configuration

The following configuration is the minimim needed.

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password

The following configuration adds some connection keep alive mechanisms to try to work around limitations in using the Arlo web API.

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password
  refresh_devices_every: 2
  stream_timeout: 120
  • refresh_devices_every tells the code to reload the device list every 2 hours.
  • stream_timeout tells the event stream to restart after 2 minutes of inactivity.

If you still struggle with connectivity you can add the following:

  reconnect_every: 90
  • reconnect_every force the system to logout and log back in, in this case every 90 minutes.

Alarm Configuration

The following enables and configures the base stations.

  - platform: aarlo
    away_mode_name: armed
    home_mode_name: home
    night_mode_name: night
    trigger_time: 30
    alarm_volume: 8
  • away_mode_name Arlo mode to use when setting alarm to Armed Away. Default value is armed which maps to Arlo's default Armed mode.
  • home_mode_name Arlo mode to use when setting alarm to Armed Home. Default value home.
  • night_mode_name Arlo mode to use when setting alarm to Armed Night. Default value night.
  • trigger_time determines how long, in seconds, the triggered alarm will sound
  • alarm_volume determine how loud, from 1 to 8, the triggered alarm will sound

Arlo does not have a built in home or night mode. If you need them create a custom mode in Arlo and home_mode_name and night_mode_name to map to them. You don't need to map all modes - I don't use night_mode. Names are case insensitive. Using duplicate names will cause problems, for example, mapping both away and night mode to armed will work when setting the mode from Home Assistant but might not show the correct mode if you change it in the Arlo app.

See here for more information on mode names.

Camera Configuration

The following enables any cameras.

  - platform: aarlo

Binary Sensor Configuration

The following enables and configures the binary sensors.

  - platform: aarlo
    - motion
    - sound
    - ding
    - cry
    - connectivity

Items on the monitored_conditions can be one or more of the following:

  • motion fires when a camera, doorbell or light detects motion.
  • sound fires when a camera detects a sound.
  • ding fires when a doorbell is pressed.
  • cry fires when crying is detected (ArloBaby only)
  • connectivty is true when Arlo a device is connected

The Arlo backend sends the notifications on the event stream so they are (almost) real time.

Sensor Configuration

The following enables and configures the sensors.

  - platform: aarlo
    - total_cameras
    - last_capture
    - recent_activity
    - captured_today
    - battery_level
    - signal_strength
    - temperature
    - humidity
    - air_quality

Items on the monitored_conditions can be one or more of the following:

  • total_cameras is a global sensor showing the number of cameras detected.

The rest of the sensors appear per camera.

  • last_capture The last time an event was captured by this camera.
  • recent_activity Is on if activity was recently seen on the camera.
  • captured_today The number of events captured by the camera today.
  • battery_level The percentage of battery remaining.
  • signal_strength The WiFi signal strength of the camera.
  • temperature The temperature in the room where the camera is, if supported.
  • humidity The humidity in the room where the camera is, if supported.
  • air_quality The air quality in the room where the camera is, if supported.

Light Configuration

The following enables any lights:

  - platform: aarlo

The component supports the standard Arlo lights, Arlo Baby lights and Arlo Pro 3 Floodlight. There is one noticable quirk, you can adjust the brightness of a light while it is on but the change will not happen until you turn the light off and back on again. This how the official web interface works.

This does not apply to the Pro 3 Floodlight as the brightness can be changed while it is turned on.

Switch Configuration

The following enables and configures some pseudo switches:

  - platform: aarlo
    siren: True
    all_sirens: True
    snapshot: True
    siren_volume: 1
    siren_duration: 10
  • siren If True, will create a switch for each siren device that allows your to turn it on or off.
  • all_sirens If True, will create a switch for all the siren devices that allows you to turn them all on and off.
  • snapshot If True, will create a switch for each camera to allow you to take a snapshot.

siren_volume and siren_duration controls how loud, from 1 to 10, the siren is and how long, in seconds, it sounds.

Media Player Configuration

The following enables media player for supported devices:

  - platform: aarlo

Custom Lovelace Card Configuration

A custom Lovelace card which is based on the picture-glance can be found here: https://github.com/twrecked/lovelace-hass-aarlo

The custom Lovelace card allows access to the video recordings library and presents customizable camera information on the camera feed. It was influenced by the Arlo web interface camera view.

This piece is optional, aarlo will work with the standard Lovelace cards.



Entity ID naming follows this pattern component-type.aarlo_lower_case_name_with_underscores.

For example, a camera called "Front Door" will have an entity id of camera.aarlo_front_door.

Best Practises and Known Limitations

The component uses the Arlo webapi.

  • There is no documentation so the API has been reverse engineered using browser debug tools.
  • There is no support for smart features, you only get motion detection notifications, not what caused the notification. (Although, you can pipe a snapshot into deepstack...)
  • Streaming times out after 30 minutes.
  • The webapi doesn't seem like it was really designed for permanent connections so the system will sometimes appear to lock up. Various work arounds are in the code and can be configured at the arlo component level. See next paragraph.

If you do find the component locks up after a while (I've seen reports of hours, days or weeks), you can add the following to the main configuration. Start from the top and work down:

  • refresh_devices_every, tell Aarlo to request the device list every so often. This will sometimes prevent the back end from aging you out. The value is in hours and a good starting point is 3.
  • stream_timeout, tell Aarlo to close and reopen the event stream after a certain period of inactivity. Aarlo will send keep alive every minute so a good starting point is 180 seconds.
  • reconnect_every, tell Aarlo to logout and back in every so often. This establishes a new session at the risk of losing an event notification. The value is minutes and a good starting point is 90.
  • request_timeout, the amount of time to allow for a http request to work. A good starting point is 120 seconds.

Unify your alarm mode names across all your base stations. There is no way to specify different mode names for each device.

Alro will allow shared accounts to give cameras their own name. If you find cameras appearing with unexpected names (or not appearing at all), log into the Arlo web interface with your Home Assistant account and make sure the camera names are correct.

You can change the brightness on the light but not while it's turned on. You need to turn it off and back on again for the change to take. This is how the web interface does it.


If you run into problems there please provide the following in the bug report to help debugging.

  • Version of software running.
  • Make of cameras and base stations you have.

I might also ask you to turn on component logging and event logging. The follow paragraphs show you how, it's safe to leave these running if you fancy pokeing around and trying to find out what it going wrong.

  • Component logging. You can turn this on by adding the following to your configuration.yaml file.
  default: info
    custom_components.aarlo: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.alarm_control_panel: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.binary_sensor: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.camera: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.light: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.media_player: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.sensor: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.switch: debug
    pyaarlo: debug
If, for example, you suspect the problem is just with your lights you can remove
unneeded debug:
  default: info
    custom_components.aarlo: debug
    custom_components.aarlo.light: debug
    pyaarlo: debug
Home assistant logs everything to `/config/home-assistant.log`, a typical piece of
debug from Aarlo looks like this.
2020-01-21 11:44:48 DEBUG (ArloBackgroundWorker) [pyaarlo] fast refresh
2020-01-21 11:44:48 DEBUG (ArloBackgroundWorker) [pyaarlo] day testing with 2020-01-21!
2020-01-21 11:44:50 DEBUG (ArloEventStream) [pyaarlo] async ping response subscriptions/XXXXXX-XXX-XXXXXXX_web
If you fancy diving in, and please do, searching for exceptions and any reference to
`traceBack` is a good place to start.
  • Event logging. You can look at what events Arlo is sending you by turning on event stream dumping. Add the following to your configuration.yaml file and Aarlo will dump events into /config/.aarlo/packets.dump:
    # current config here
    packet_dump: True

This file will built up from a constant trickle of packets from Arlo. The following exerpt shows a login confirmation and a subscription check response.

{'status': 'connected'}
{ 'action': 'is',
    'from': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    'resource': 'subscriptions/XXXXXX-XXX-XXXXXXX_web',
    'to': 'XXXXXX-XXX-XXXXXXX_web',
    'transId': 'web!38a29262-1ce0-4c4d-8f75-fafec2c34332'}
Another example, if Arlo detects motion you will see a packet with the following field
in it:
'properties': {'motionDetected': True},

Hiding Sensitive Data

If you paste any debug logs into github it's a good idea to encrypt them before uploading them. You can do this using the pyaarlo component. The easiest way to install it is in a virtual environment. The following steps will install Pyaarlo.

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 pyaarlo
$ source pyaarlo/bin/activate
(pyaarlo) $ pip install git+https://github.com/twrecked/pyaarlo
(pyaarlo) $ pyaarlo --help

To encrypt your logs save the output to a file and do the following:

(pyaarlo)$ cat your-log-file | pyaarlo encrypt

The output will look like this - only longer! Paste everything, including the BEGIN and END lines into your bug report.



Data isn't anonymised internally... I will be adding that functionality.

You don't need to keep re-installing pyaarlo, just re-activate the virtualenv.

$ cd where-you-where-before
$ source pyaarlo/bin/activate
(pyaarlo) $ pyaarlo --help

When you're finished with pyaarlo deactive the virtualenv.

(pyaarlo) $ deactivate

Adding Devices

Coming soon...

Advanced Use

All Parameters

The following additional parameters can be specified against the aarlo platform for more granular control:

Field Type Default Description
db_motion_time integer 30 (s) Duration of doorbell motion. (Arlo doorbell only indicates motion is present not that it stops)
db_ding_time integer 60 (s) Duration of doorbell press. (Arlo doorbell only indicates doorbell was pressed, not that it was released)
recent_time integer 600 (s) Used to hold the cameras in a recent activity state after a recording or streaming event. (Streaming & recording can be over in a few seconds, without this the camera will revert to idle, possibly looking like nothing has happened.)
last_format strftime '%m-%d %H:%M' Display format of last captured time
http_connections integer 5 Adjust the number http connections pools to cache
http_max_size integer 10 Adjust the maximum number connects to save in the pool
request_timeout time period 60 Timeout for requests sent to Arlo server. 0 means no timeout.
stream_timeout time period 0 Timeout for inactivity on the Arlo event stream. 0 means no timeout. Used to help with Arlo components becoming unresponsive.
reconnect_every integer 0 (minutes) If not 0 then force a logout every reconect_entry time period. Used to help with Arlo components becoming unresponsive.
refresh_devices_every integer 0 (hours) Used to force a refresh every x hours. 0 = no refreshing. Used to resolve issue with mode changes failing after several days of use
packet_dump boolean False Causes aarlo to store all the packets it sees in /config/.aarlo/packets.dump file. Only really needed for debugging and reverse engineering the API.
conf_dir string '/config/.aarlo' Location to store component state. (The default is fine for hass.io, docker, and virtualenv systems - don't set this value unless asked to.)
host string https://my.arlo.com Sets the host aarlo will connect to
auth_host string https://ocapi-app.arlo.com Sets the authentication host aarlo will connect to
no_media_upload boolean False Used as a workaround for Arlo issues where the camera never gets a media upload notification. (Not needed in most cases.)
mode_api string auto available options: [v1, v2] You can override this by setting this option to v1 or v2 to use the old or new version exclusively. The default is auto, choose based on device
verbose_debug boolean False Turn on extra debug. This extra information is usually not needed!
hide_deprecated_services boolean False If True only show services on the aarlo domain.
library_days integer 30 (days) Change the number of days of video the component downloads from Arlo.
injection_service boolean False If True enable the packet injection service.

Camera Statuses

The following camera statuses are reported:

  • Idle camera is doing nothing
  • Turned Off user has turned the camera off
  • Recording camera has detected something and is recording
  • Streaming camera is streaming live video to another other login
  • Taking Snapshot camers is updating the thumbnail
  • Recently Active camera has seen activity within the last few minutes
  • Too Cold! the camera is shutdown until it warms up


The component provides the following services:

Service Parameters Description
aarlo.camera_request_snapshot entity_id - name(s) of entities to use This requests a snapshot be taken. Camera will move from taking_snapshot state when finished
aarlo.camera_request_snapshot_to_file entity_id - name(s) of entities to use
filename - where to save snapshot
This requests a snapshot be taken and written to the passed file. Camera will move from taking_snapshot state when finished
aarlo.camera_start_recording entity_id - name(s) of entities to use
duration - amount of time in seconds to record
Begins video capture from the specified camera
aarlo.camera_request_video_to_file entity_id - name(s) of entities to use
filename - where to save video
This requests a video be taken and written to the passed file. Camera will move from recording state when finished
aarlo.camera_stop_activity entity_id - name(s) of entities to use This moves the camera into the idle state. Can be used to stop streaming or recording.
aarlo.alarm_set_mode entity_id - name(s) of entities to use
mode - custom mode to change to
Set the alarm to a custom mode
aarlo.siren_on duration - amount of time in seconds to record
volume - how loud to set siren
Turn a siren on.
aarlo.sirens_on entity_id - name(s) of entities to use
duration - amount of time in seconds to record
volume - how loud to set siren
Turns all sirens on.
aarlo.siren_off entity_id - name(s) of entities to use Turns a siren off.
aarlo.sirens_off Turns all sirens off.
aarlo.inject_response filename - file to read packet from Inject a packet into the event stream.

For recordings longer than 30 seconds you will need to whitelist the /tmp directory. This is because we have to keep a stream to Arlo open to prevent them from stopping the recording after 30 seconds. And we write this stream to the /tmp directory.

These services are deprecated and will be going away. By moving services under the aarlo domain it allows Home Assistant to use the services.yaml descriptions.

Service Parameters Description
camera.aarlo_request_snapshot entity_id - camera to get snapshot from This requests a snapshot be taken. Camera will move from taking_snapshot state when finished
camera.aarlo_request_snapshot_to_file entity_id - camera to get snapshot from
filename - where to save snapshot
This requests a snapshot be taken and written to the passed file. Camera will move from taking_snapshot state when finished
camera.aarlo_stop_activity entity_id - camera to get snapshot from This moves the camera into the idle state. Can be used to stop streaming
camera.start_recording entity_id - camera to start recording
duration - amount of time in seconds to record
Begins video capture from the specified camera
camera.stop_recording entity_id - camera to stop recording Ends video capture from the specified camera
alarm_control_panel.aarlo_set_mode entity_id - camera to get snapshot from
mode - custom mode to change to
Set the alarm to a custom mode

Web Sockets

The component provides the following extra web sockets:

Service Parameters Description
  • entity_id - camera to get details from
    Request details of the last recorded video. Returns:
    • url - video url
    • url_type - video type
    • thumbnail - thumbnail image url
    • thumbnail_type - thumbnail image type
    • at-most - return at most this number of entries
      Request up the details of at-most recently recorded videos. Returns an array of:
      • created_at: unix time stamp
      • created_at_pretty: pretty version of the create time
      • url: URL of the video
      • url_type: video type
      • thumbnail: URL of the thumbnail
      • thumbnail_type: thumbnail type
      • object: object in the video that triggered the capture
      • object_region: region in the video that triggered the capture
      • entity_id - camera to get snapshot from
      • filename - where to save snapshot
      Ask the camera to start streaming. Returns:
      • url - URL of the video stream
      • entity_id - camera to get snapshot from
      Request a snapshot. Returns image details:
      • content_type: the image type
      • content: the image
      • entity_id - camera to stop activity on
      Stop all the activity in the camera. Returns:
      • stopped: True if stop request went in

      Automation Examples

      Update camera snapshot 3 seconds after a recording event happens

      - id: 'automation-0100'
        alias: Camera Snapshot
        - entity_id: camera.aarlo_camera1,camera.aarlo_camera2
          for: 00:00:03
          from: 'idle'
          platform: state
          to: 'recording'
        - entity_id: camera.aarlo_camera1,camera.aarlo_camera2
          for: 00:00:03
          from: 'recently active'
          platform: state
          to: 'recording'
        condition: []
        - data_template:
            entity_id: "{{ trigger.entity_id }}"
          service: camera.aarlo_request_snapshot

      Begin recording when an entity changes state

      - id: 'automation-0101'
        alias: Record video when garage opens
        description: ''
        - entity_id: cover.garage_door
          platform: state
          to: open
        condition: []
        - data:
            duration: 300
            entity_id: camera.aarlo_garage
          service: camera.aarlo_start_recording


      Streaming now works "out of the box" for HassOS and Docker installs. To get streaming working in virtualenv you still need to make sure a couple of libraries are installed. For ubuntu the following works:

      source your-env/bin/activate
      sudo apt install libavformat-dev
      sudo apt install libavdevice-dev
      pip install av==6.1.2

      Set image_click to play on the aarlo glance card.

      If you are still having issues please read these 3 posts:


      Aarlo supports 2 factor authentication.


      For IMAP 2FA Arlo needs to access and your email account form where it reads the token Arlo sent.

        tfa_source: imap
        tfa_type: email
        tfa_host: imap.host.com
        tfa_username: your-user-name
        tfa_password: your-imap-password

      It's working well with my gmail account, see here for help setting up single app passwords.

      Rest API

      This mechanism allows you to use any suitably configured/programmed website. When you start authenticating Arlo makes a clear request and repeated look-up requests to a website to retrieve your TFA code. The format of these requests and their reponses are well defined but the host Arlo uses is configurable.

        tfa_source: rest-api
        tfa_type: SMS
        tfa_host: custom-host
        tfa_username: test@test.com
        tfa_password: 1234567890
      • Pyaarlo will clear the current code with this HTTP GET request:
      • And the server will respond with this on success:
      { "meta": { "code": 200 },
        "data": { "success": true, "email": "test@test.com" } }
      • Aarlo will look up the current code with this HTTP GET request:
      • And the server will respond with this on success:
      { "meta": { "code": 200 },
        "data": { "success": true, "email": "test@test.com", "code": "123456", "timestamp": "123445666" } }
      • Failures always have code value of anything other than 200.
      { "meta": { "code": 400 },
        "data": { "success": false, "error": "permission denied" }}

      Aarlo doesn't care how you get the codes into the system only that they are there. Feel free to roll your own server or...

      Using My Server

      I have a website running at https://pyaarlo-tfa.appspot.com that can provide this service. It's provided as-is, it's running as a Google app so it should be pretty reliable and the only information I have access to is your email address, access token for my website and whatever your last code was. (Note: if you're not planning on using email forwarding the email value isn't strictly enforced, a unique ID is sufficient.)

      If you don't trust me and my server - and I won't be offended - you can get the source from here and set up your own.

      To use the REST API with my website do the following:

      • Register with my website. You only need to do this once and I'm sorry for the crappy interface. Go to registration page and enter your email address (or unique ID). The website will reply with a json document containing your token, keep this token and use it in all REST API interactions.
      • To add a code send the following HTTP GET request:

      You can replace code with msg and the server will try and parse the code out value of msg, use it for picking apart SMS messages.

      Using IFTTT

      You have your server set up or are using mine, one way to send codes is to use IFTTT to forward SMS messages to the server. I have an Android phone so use the New SMS received from phone number trigger and match to the Arlo number sending me SMS codes. (I couldn't get the match message to work, maybe somebody else will have better luck.)

      I pair this with Make a web request action to forward the SMS code into my server, I use the following recipe. Modify the email and token as necessary.

      URL: https://pyaarlo-tfa.appspot.com/add?email=test@test.com&token=4f529ea4dd20ca65e102e743e7f18914bcf8e596b909c02d&msg={{Text}}
      Method: GET
      Content Type: text/plain

      Make sure to configure Aarlo to request a token over SMS with tfa_type='SMS. Now, when you login in, Arlo will send an SMS to your phone, the IFTTT app will forward this to the server and Aarlo will read it from the server.

      Using EMAIL

      If you run your own postfix server you can use this script to set up an email forwarding alias. Use an alias like this:

      pyaarlo:  "|/home/test/bin/pyaarlo-fwd"

      Make sure to configure Aarlo to request a token over EMAIL with tfa_type='EMAIL. Then set up your email service to forward Arlo code message to your email forwarding alias.

      To Do

      • smarter light brightness...
      • coloured lights
      • custom mode - like SmartThings to better control motion detection
      • use asyncio loop internally