
Running ABC and compiler issue

Opened this issue · 9 comments

dth2 commented

I thought I posted this issue yesterday but since I don't see it I am assuming I forgot to submit it, but if this a duplicate I apologize.

I am trying to run an ABC on hyak using EasyABC. However that package requires the locfit package which I can't get to install. I have tried installing from Cran, github, using devtools, remotes, and installing from the tar.gz. Nothing works. From all of the searches I have done the best explanation I can find is that the culprit in the default compiler on hyak. I can install the package on the CSDE system and locally with no problem so I think this is probably the source of the problem. This is a bit out of my lane so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Is there a way to change the compiler that is being used?

I've never used Hyak so I can't help with anything Hyak-specific.

Is there an error message (or messages) from the attempted install(s) of locfit you can share?

@AdrienLeGuillou : can you help Deven here please.

Hi @dth2, what error are you getting and what version of R are you using?

I use the following script to load the R module (on a project where I use EpiABC)


. /gscratch/csde/spack/spack/share/spack/
module load r-4.0.0-gcc-9.2.0-p7wezul

can you try with it?

dth2 commented

This works. Thanks so much.


@martinamorris I think it is. @smjenness, should I put it in the "build" folder of the "computing" repo where you treat the building of the R process? Otherwise, I can work on a "hyak" subfolder on with a README with the steps to follow to work with R on hyak

Categories are the Achilles heel of the wiki... But I vote for this:

Maybe you're working on that now? It's showing the the TOC, but empty.

@martinamorris, I was thinking about the folder. But you are right, the wiki is the way to go.