
Checks code submissions in learnr (and potentially other) tutorials.

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Travis-CI Build Status

checkr: Checking student answers in an R-tutorial system

An R-tutorial system provides facilities for posing R-related questions to students, collecting the code that students write in reply, and providing hints as needed. Examples for R-tutorial systems are DataCamp.com and the learnr package from RStudio.

The checkr package supports a framework for the authors of tutorials to specify what is a correct answer, and to give formative feedback when answers fail to meet that specification. Functions are provided to enable checkr to be connected to learnr documents.

You can install the latest version of this package from GitHub.

You will first need to install the redpen package, which contains functions that will likely be integrated into rlang eventually.


See the package vignette for details and examples about using checkr.